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Focus on: TTIP leaks & official docs

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Health and trade: What hope for SDG 3
Emma Woodford from the Health and Trade Network examines SDG3 on health and well-being and questions if its targets are achievable given the damaging nature of legally binding trade agreements being simultaneously negotiated by SDG signatories.
ECJ judgment in favour of data protection puts TTIP negotiations under pressure
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) today declared the Safe Harbor agreement invalid. This subordinates the activities of Facebook & Co back to the control of national data protection authorities.
Public services under attack through TTIP and CETA
EU trade deals with Canada and the US could endanger citizens’ rights to basic services like water and health, as negotiators are doing the work of some of the EU’s most powerful corporate lobby groups in pushing an aggressive market opening agenda in the public sector.
Fallout from EU-US Safe Harbour ruling will be dramatic and far-reaching
Clever ruling by the Court of Justice will be almost impossible to circumvent. The "Safe Harbour" ruling is likely to affect trade agreements like TISA and TTIP in important ways.
How trade agreements harm open access and open source
Open access isn’t explicitly covered in any of the secretive trade negotiations that are currently underway but that doesn’t mean that they won’t have a negative impact on those seeking to publish or use open access materials.
Europe’s leaders must devise a global trading system that puts the poor first
The EU’s professed commitment to sustainable development is not reflected in its proposed text for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Lessons to learn from TPP: What the EU shouldn’t do in TTIP
Although TPP seems a remote issue, it could have a direct impact on EU consumers.
Australia tobacco clash reverberates in EU trade talks
The inclusion of an ISDS in an EU agreement could raise the likelihood of such cases being brought against all kinds of public interest and health protecting policies in the future.
EU and US divisions over data protection threaten agreement
Persistent disagreements between the United States and the European Union over the treatment of personal data threaten to undermine international standards.
Anger as government blocks TTIP legal documents relating to health service
Business secretary refuses to disclose advice that could show how private health firms might sue government under US-Europe trade deal.
The predators behind the TPP
Powerful corporations have been allowed to swallow the state; they have created a “predator state,” which they naturally exploit for their own expansion.
Mozilla, EFF, and Creative Commons call for more openness in trade negotiations
Browser maker Mozilla, digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Creative Commons have called for more openness in global trade agreements.
Open letter to Věra Jourová: from Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield, words in the wind
The "Privacy Shield", an agreement stemming from an exchange of letters, only contains vague promises.
Latest round of TTIP talks boost momentum
Progress was made in the latest round of TTIP talks, but negotiators have a long way to go if the deal is to be signed before Barack Obama leaves office.
It’s not just Europeans who will feel the consequences of TTIP
One element of TTIP has been largely ignored – the deal’s impact on developing countries.
The TTIP: serious consequences for public health
Private arbitral tribunals will be able to impose multi-million fines on States whose parliaments have dared to legislate without taking into account corporate expectations.
Why releasing text isn’t enough: behind the scenes of TTIP
As welcome as the leak is, it doesn’t fix these systemic flaws in the process of negotiating trade agreements such as TTIP and the TPP.
New EPSU working paper on CETA and TTIP: Potential impacts on health and social services
New working paper highlights the potential harmful impact of CETA and TTIP (and other trade and investment agreements) on healthcare and social services.
TTIP will damage public health and climate, says official report
The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will have negative effects on public health, jobs and the climate, according to the official impact assessment.
The TTIP and the privitization of health
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty (TTIP) may present a genuine threat to health and to the outcomes we have reached in the healthcare systems today.