Corporate Europe Observatory
Big Pharma is everything but shy when it comes to lobbying EU policy-makers. But what exactly are these groups lobbying for in TTIP?
French Government
The French Government calls on the European Commission to adopt an open and innovation-friendly data flow system while preserving European interests in trade agreements
Institute for Information Law
How to achieve data protection-proof free trade agreements?
The European Sting
The mutual recognition agreement for inspections of manufacturing sites for human medicines in their respective territories can make it faster and less costly for both sides to bring medicines to the market.
The Independent
Behind the bluster about “getting Brexit done” is an ambitious long term agenda: to realign our economy and our standards with the interests of American business.
US Mission to International Organizations in Geneva
The US is troubled by the EU’s non-tariff barriers that impede the use of modern agricultural tools and technologies such as biotechnology, veterinary drugs and pathogen reduction treatments.