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China agrees to a new GCC deal
China is to sign a trade and economic cooperation pact with the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
Taiwan-Paraguay: MOEA set to negotiate FTA with Paraguay
A Taiwanese official delegation will visit Paraguay later this month to negotiate groundwork for the two nations’ Free Trade Agreement (FTA) while Argentina acknowledged it had teamed up with Brazil to try and force Paraguay into switching its diplomatic allegiance from Taipei to Beijing.
Peru: Legislation to protect biodiversity restricts patents
The Peruvian Congress has passed legislation to protect the country’s biodiversity by restricting patents on biological resources.
NZ-Thailand: Government to put heat on Thai PM over trade
The Government will play on Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s known affection for New Zealand to ensure a tough deadline for negotiations on a bilateral trade deal is met.
Landmark deal signed - Thaksin, Howard praise FTA accord
Australia and Thailand yesterday signed a landmark free trade deal heralded as an important step towards Australia and New Zealand’s inclusion in a Southeast Asian free trade zone.
Farmers to lobby King over FTA
Dairy farmers across the country have pledged to petition His Majesty the King for help as part of their objection to the government’s freetrade agreement (FTA) with Australia, the chairman of a dairy farmer’s cooperative group said yesterday.
Shin Satellite denies benefiting from pact
Shin Satellite has strongly denied allegations that it would benefit from the Thai-Australian free trade area (FTA) deal, saying that Australia had already opened its telecom market for full competition and the company had entered the market seven years ago.
Australia-US Free Trade Deal a Disaster
President Bush promised the Australian government an economic sweetener in exchange for support of the U.S. led invasion, and under fast track authority Congress must vote up or down on the Australia U.S. Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) by early July.
US-Korea BIT likely by end 2004
A bilateral investment treaty between the United States and Korea appears likely by the end of this year, paving the way for a free trade agreement between both the nations, said Maurice R. Greenberg, chairman of the U.S.-Korea Business council.
War: Trade by other means: How the US is getting a free trade agreement minus the negotiations
On June 28, two days before the announced date of handover of power, the United States transferred political authority in Iraq, in a meeting so secret o­nly six people participated.
The Political Economy of Regional Trade Agreements in Africa
Throughout history, international trade has generated considerable controversy. While conceding that some trade was imperative, Aristotle observed that trade was disruptive of community life. Until the 19th Century, most European powers viewed trade as a form of undeclared warfare. Their objective was - and still remains - the maximization of benefits accruing to themselves and minimization of those accruing to rival nations. The weapons of choice in this warfare were import barriers.
Free trade negotiations suspended between Canada and Central America
Free trade agreement talks scheduled for this week between Central America and Canada have been suspended, a Honduran business leader said Sunday.
Salvadorean opposition urges Congress to reject FTA with US
The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and social organizations of El Salvador urged the Congress to reject the ratification of the free trade agreement (FTA) inked with the United States.
US Trade Negotiators May Bring Up Genetically Modified Organisms Issue
US trade negotiators are expected to raise the issue of Thai regulations on genetically modified organisms and domestic labour laws during bilateral free-trade talks.
NZ-China FTA: FTA with China: a cautious but necessary approach
Whatever the risks for New Zealand in a free-trade agreement with China, it would be hard to justify letting the opportunity to explore that possibility slip by.
Opposition to CAFTA strong in Costa Rica / Oposición a Cafta atrincherada en Costa Rica
Although resistance to a free trade deal with the United States is growing throughout Central America, social activists say the big battle will take place in Costa Rica, where opposition is focused on a proposal to open up telecommunications and insurance to foreign capital.
The US, Taiwan and an FTA
The issue of a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Area (US-TwFTA) is back on the agenda-at least it is back on Taiwan’s agenda. Recently, President Chen expressed hope that a US-TwFTA could be signed as soon as possible.
Time not yet ripe for US-Taiwan FTA
A delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in Taipei said here Wednesday that although Taiwan is keen on signing a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States, the time for such an agreement is not yet ripe.
Big FTA stoush brewing on copyright
A full-scale political stoush is brewing over intellectual property provisions in the Australia-US free trade agreement following the passage of enabling legislation last week.
Letter to Bush from FTA Watch (Thailand)
We, the undersigned, farmers, people living with HIV/AIDS, academics, environmentalists, consumers, labor unionists, pro-democracy and anti-corruption activists and members of many non-governmental organizations that represent those who will be affected by the policies that are likely to come into force as a result of the proposed Free Trade Agreement between your government and the Royal Thai Government.