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Resist RCEP and corporate trade deals- Trade Justice Pilipinas
Trade Justice Pilipinas a broad platform campaigning for just trade and investment policies expresses its opposition to international economic agreements like Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) and other new generation FTAs that advance corporate agenda over peoples rights and welfare.
Statement of public interest principles for copyright protection under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Civil Society Statement concerning about the copyright protection standards proposed for the RCEP IP Chapter.
Pressure grows on mining giant to pay $8 million to El Salvador
Over 280 organizations from around the world sent an open letter to Canadian-Australian mining giant OceanaGold demanding that the company adhere to an earlier ruling that ordered the company to pay the government of El Salvador US$8 million
Grenoble accueille les 2e rencontres paneuropéennes des villes contre TAFTA-CETA-TISA
Alors que le CETA vient d’être ratifié par le Parlement européen, Grenoble organise samedi, après Barcelone, les 2e Rencontres paneuropéennes des villes contre TAFTA - CETA – TISA,
EU approves contentious free trade pact with Canada despite protests
The European Parliament has approved a landmark free trade deal between the EU and Canada. Hundreds gathered in Strasbourg, France to protest the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
Interview with Guy Marius Sagna
The Coordinator of the National Coalition "No to EPAs" in Senegal discusses two free trade projects in Africa: Economic Partnership Agreements and the Continental Free Trade Area.
Australia: 53 health, church, union, environment and aid organisations call for Labor to reject failed TPP
Fifty-three organisations representing more than two million Australians have endorsed a letter calling on Labor to reject the failed Trans-Pacific Partnership and not vote on implementing legislation for it.
EU hits out at South Africa’s poultry dumping protest
The European Commission has expressed concern after hundreds of people protested in Pretoria, South Africa, against EU poultry dumping that has forced profit­-hit chicken processors to cut jobs.
Time to terminate trade & investment agreements allowing corporations to sue government
The recent investment arbitral decision against the Philippines in favor of the Belgian corporation should be a wake up call on the dangers posed by free trade and investment agreements.
Indonesia bargaining position in EU CEPA is questionable
Press release from Indonesia civil society Coalition for Economic Justice regarding the second round of Indonesia-EU CEPA negotiations in Bali, Indonesia
Food sovereignty is the best safeguard against nationalism
Faced with the rise of nationalism and xenophobia, food sovereignty is more necessary than ever.
Putting human rights and investor obligations first
We urge all stakeholders involved in the EU-Mexico FTA negotiations to replace the current far-reaching liberalisation and deregulation agenda with an agreement that regulates investment
Posisi tawar Indonesia dalam EU-CEPA dipertanyakan
Sejumlah kelompok masyarakat sipil yang tergabung dalam Masyarakat Sipil Untuk Keadilan Ekonomi mempertanyakan posisi tawaran Indonesia dalam perundingan perjanjian perdagangan bebas dengan negara Uni Eropa yang tergabung dalam Comprehensive Economic Parthenership Agreement (EU-CEPA).
As TPP crumbles, people must remain vigilant vs equally unfair bilateral deals
As the United States officially walks away from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the people must remain vigilant over possible replacements.
Malaysia should withdraw from the TPPA, according to CAP
Given the new developments regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Malaysia should withdraw from the agreement, stop implementing changes in domestic laws and policies designed to comply with it and not rush into negotiations with the US on a bilateral deal, says Consumers Association of Penang
Bill English’s Plan B for TPPA a political ‘own goal’ in election year
‘Donald Trump would be delighted! US corporations would get the benefit of all the controversial rules on medicine patents, copyright, investment, state-owned enterprises that the US insisted on without the US have to give a single thing in return.
Surat Terbuka Masyarat Sipil Terkait Putaran Kedua Perundingan Kerjasama Ekonomi Komprehensif Indonesia-Uni Eropa (I-EUCEPA)
Organisasi masyarakat sipil dari Indonesia, ASEAN, dan Eropa menyerukan tuntuan untuk mengadakan negosiasi ulang. Pertimbangan terhadap segi sosial, lingkungan, dan hak asasi manusia wajib diutamakan di atas perdagangan bebas dan pemberian perlindungan bagi industri transnasional.
#StopCETA: Thousands protest EU-Canada trade deal in demos across Europe
Protesters in more than a dozen European states have taken to the streets in scheduled demonstrations against the yet-to-be-approved CETA trade agreement
Groups from Mexico, Canada and the U.S. demand NAFTA replacement
Any renegotiation process must be transparent and participatory, and that the resulting NAFTA replacement must improve peoples’ lives and livelihoods and protect the environment in all three countries.