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Trade pact opponents get air time
Thai activists opposed to the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan last night persuaded the TITV channel to air their views on the issue. About 300 members of consumer groups, HiV/Aids groups and farmers marched to the TITV studios on Vibhavadi Rangsit road after a seminar on the possible impact of the FTA deal which the interim government plans to sign with Japan next week.
Thousands denounce South Korea-US free trade plans as negotiations intensify
Thousands of South Koreans took to the streets Sunday to denounce a proposed free trade agreement between their country and the United States just days ahead of a deadline for negotiators to strike a deal.
SKorean activists rally against free trade talks
Thousands of South Korean farmers and anti-globalisation activists marched in Seoul on Sunday in a rally against free trade talks with the United States.
NGOs seek to delay signing of Thai-Japanese pact
FTA Watch yesterday published a document entitled "The Inconvenient Truth of Jtepa" to increase awareness about issues that it claims the government has hidden from the public.
Labor party leader on hunger strike against free trade agreement with US
A weary yet defiant looking Korean labor party leader has been a fixture in front of the president’s office for more than two weeks, on a hunger strike against South Korea’s imminent free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States. "FTA, I believe, only stands for ’For The Americans’," Moon Sung-hyun said.
Declaration and pledge to oppose the Korea-US free trade agreement
Join Korean Americans Against War and Neoliberalism (KAWAN) and the Korean Alliance Against the Korus FTA (KoA) in waging a global hunger strike against the Korea-United States free trade agreement (KorUS FTA) and the Bush free trade agenda.
International day of action against the Korea-US FTA and all US FTAs
We, the Korean Alliance against Korea-US FTA (KoA), call for an international day of joint action on Sunday, March 25, 2007. To the people struggling to stop the spread of neoliberal globalization, we ask for your solidarity and strength in stopping the Korea-US FTA and all US FTAs.
The people have decided! The Cabinet is still pondering!
While a group of us were waiting anxiously at the entrance of Prime Minister’s office at about 8.45 am today, suddenly we heard a loud chanting in the air and then we realized about 500 over people were walking from the Putrajaya mosque towards where we are standing and made one full circle around the PM office before the crowd stopped at the front gate of the PM office.
Extend deadline on partnership pact
Civil society groups and other stakeholders in West Africa’s development process have unanimously called on the European Union to extend the deadline for reaching a deal on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
Costa Rica’s last stand: Widespread resistance halts implementation of CAFTA
While the passage of the Central American Free Trade Area (CAFTA in English, TLC in Spanish) is a distant memory in the public political debate, implementation of the treaty continues to meet organized, spirited opposition in Costa Rica. In the US, activists are standing in solidarity with continued opposition and resistance.
About 200 in protest over Malaysia-US free trade deal
About 200 people opposed to a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States gathered for a rare protest outside the Malaysian prime minister’s office Wednesday.
Five-thousand rally against free trade amidst strong police violence
As the 8th round of Korea-U.S. FTA negotiations entered its third day, a peaceful mass rally was held on Saturday in protest of the talks. Police violence was heavy, but the protesters stood strong until the end, even when sticks came down and water cannon was fired on them. At the end of the day, ten were arrested, and as of today, five from labor and student groups are still held in jail.
S Korean activists go on hunger strike to protest US FTA talks
A group of 20 local activists said Monday they have started a hunger strike to oppose the South Korea-US free trade talks underway here, adding about 1,000 more people will join them later this month.
Riot police break up protest in Seoul
Riot police used a water cannon Saturday to break up a noisy but peaceful street protest in downtown Seoul against a proposed free trade agreement between South Korea and the United States.
Costa Rica: Why we reject CAFTA
On Feb. 26, tens of thousands of Costa Ricans took to the streets in a demonstration to block ratification of the free trade agreement and reject approval to implement legislation demanded by the United States. Costa Rica is the only country included in the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Central America, and the Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR) that has not yet ratified the agreement. A broad grassroots movement in the country is trying to make sure it stays that way.
Declaration of Nyéléni
What are we fighting against? Imperialism, neo-liberalism, neo-colonialism and patriarchy, and all systems that impoverish life, resources and eco-systems, and the agents that promote the above such as international financial institutions, the World Trade Organisation, free trade agreements, transnational corporations,and governments that are antagonistic to their peoples...
Cuba calls regional FTA meeting
The Continental Social Alliance and its Cuban Chapter convened on Tuesday the 6th Hemispheric Meeting of struggle against Free Trade Accords (FTA) and for people s integration in this capital.
Group calls for halt to US-Malaysia FTA negotiations
Malaysia should stop all negotiations with the US on a free trade agreement (FTA) as it has failed to conduct an assessment on the implications of such an agreement on the people, a grouping of concerned Malaysians urged on Tuesday.
Costa Ricans protest free-trade pact
Tens of thousands of union members, farmers and political activists marched through Costa Rica’s capital on Monday to protest a free-trade pact with the US they say will be harmful to local businesses.
Entering into a dangerous battle
The military-installed Thai government is entering into a risky new battle with farmer’s groups and the anti-FTA movement by pressing ahead with the Thai-Japan free trade agreement. Thousands of farmers, environmental activists and medical patients now plan to stage a mass protest next month against the government’s pro-FTA policy.