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Malaysian rice farmers, activists, demand halt to free trade talks with US
The United States and Malaysia this week started a fourth round of talks for a free trade agreement (FTA), which Washington wants to complete before President George W Bush’s trade-negotiating authority expires in June. The Coalition Against the US-Malaysia FTA delivered a memorandum to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi calling on him to intervene, and urged transparency on the details and implications of the deal.
Forward with the struggle to stop the EPAs
From 11-14 December 2006, the 9th Annual Review Meeting of the Africa Trade Network took place in Accra, Ghana. This is the final declaration that came out of the meeting.
Oriental doctors protest FTA talks
Despite the government yesterday ruling out the possibility of opening the Oriental medicine market in ongoing free trade talks with the United States, Korea’s doctors are still planning to stage protests.
Open letter from Peruvian agricultural producers
To the People of the United States of America, to the Members of the US Congress: We are sending this letter on behalf of the nine million farmers and rural workers of the coast, highlands, and tropical forests of Peru, who are concerned about the final results of the Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) completed in December 2005 between the trade representatives of Peru and the United States.
Parliament demands gov’t suspend subsidy to civic groups opposing FTA with US
The South Korean parliament has requested the government suspend state subsidies to civic organizations involved in illegal rallies ahead of a new round of free trade talks with the United States this month.
Police counter anti-FTA protests
The Korean government mobilized 45,000 riot police yesterday to thwart banned protests as crucial talks on forging a free trade agreement with the United States faltered. But 20,000 people managed to take part in street demonstrations in Seoul and nine other places.
Workers protest US, S Korea FTA
Thousands of farmers and factory workers took to the streets of Seoul on Wednesday to protest against a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the US.
Rights Commission urges end to FTA protest ban
Korea’s National Human Rights Commission recommended Tuesday that the police lift a ban on a protests against a free trade agreement between Korea and the US.
Protests against Korea-US FTA continue in Montana
Sentiment against the bilateral free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the US and South Korean governments is growing. As it does, so is the repression against those who are leading the movement.
Korean government’s repression on the anti-KorUS FTA movement intensified
Police attack and repression on workers and farmers are intensified after the first "Mass People’s Resistance against KorUS FTA" on 22nd of November.
S. Korean police ban anti-FTA protests
South Korean police said no anti-FTA protests will be permitted on Wednesday and warned the nation’s civic groups to obey the law.
Cindy Sheehan & Medea Benjamin leading delegation to South Korea
American peace activists Cindy Sheehan and Medea Benjamin are leading a delegation of U.S. peace and social justice activists to South Korea to oppose the expansion of Camp Humphrey, the US military base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea and to protest the proposed Korea-US Free Trade Agreement.
The mass people’s resistance against KorUS FTA has started - KoA
The Korean government repression that began on November 22nd is continuing to spread like a forest fire. However, the people’s struggle to block the KorUS FTA will not end here.
Anti-FTA protestors, police clash
Tens of thousands of anti-globalization demonstrators confronted police in Seoul and other cities, protesting a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between Korea and the United States.
A critique of the Asian Peasant Coalition against JPEPA
Filipinos will just be getting crumbs for all the trouble and hardship that this agreement would entail. We urge the rural people to oppose JPEPA, launch campaign, education and action against the one-sided agreement. We call on our fellow farmers in Asia, especially in Japan, to help us campaign against this pact.
Thousands rally in South Korean capital against free trade with US
Thousands of South Korean workers demonstrated Saturday against a proposed free-trade agreement between their country and the United States.
Prosecution warns of crackdown on violent anti-FTA protests
South Korea’s state prosecution said Thursday it will clamp down on farmers and activists who stage violent protests against a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States.
S Korean workers protest US trade deal
Tens of thousands of South Korean workers held rallies and labor strikes Wednesday to oppose a free trade agreement with the United States and demand better working conditions.
Reject the Economic Partnership Agreement EU-ACP!
The member organizations of Via Campesina in Africa, in Europe and in the Caribbean consider that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) are a new threat for the peasants and small farmers in the four regions. We ask a definitive stop in the negotiations and the opening of a period of debate and analyses on the impacts of free-trade on our national agricultures. Alternatives based on the right to food sovereignty exist.
Americans protest US-Korea free trade agreement in Seoul
An American delegation of peace, labor and social justice activists led by Cindy Sheehan is in Seoul to join the nationwide mobilization against the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.