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EU-Mercosur: leaked treaty has no climate protection, undermines democracy
International agreements must have the protection of people and nature at their core, not as a ‘nice-to-have’ – this deal doesn’t measure up and must be scrapped.
Day of action against the US trade deal
Saturday 24 October: Take action against the US trade deal to protect services, standards, rights and democracy!
Martin Khor – a life spent fighting for a just global economy
Economist and journalist Martin Khor, whose life was cut short by cancer on 1 April 2020, was a standout figure in the struggle for a radical transformation of global economic relations.
Corporate trade deals: A history of resistance
From the Seattle protests against the WTO, to the defeat of TTIP and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the attempt to impose corporate trade deals has often created moments of crisis for the system.
Joint declaration by European farmers: No to EU-Mercosur agreement
Peasants and farmers in Europe want a fresh start for a trade policy that enables fair prices, protects the climate and secures human rights, instead of just trying to fix the current model!
NGOs ask Macron to ’bury’ EU-Mercosur agreement
More than 30 NGOs join forces, sending open letter to French leader Emmanuel Macron asking him to "bury" EU-Mercosur trade deal over environmental concerns.
Government ordered to reveal more secrets about post-Brexit trade talks
Campaigners had challenged the Department for International Trade (DIT) over its "hostile approach to freedom of information law".
Pakistan fishermen to protest arrival of China trawlers
Pakistan fishermen in two provinces said they will protest the arrival of 20 Chinese deep-sea trawlers given licences to fish in their waters.
Poll: Vast majority of Europeans opposed to EU-Mercosur trade deal
Consumer group SumOfUs urges the EU to call off its free trade agreement with Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the face of Amazon rainforest fires.
Amazon, Bolsonaro, cattle: the ABC’s of destruction
The Amazon is under attack but the Canadian government plans to continue negotiating a Canada-Mercosur free trade agreement with Brazil. But you can do something about it.
Rights activists want Swiss-Chinese trade deal to be overhauled
Campaigners are urging the Swiss government to renegotiate a six-year-old free trade agreement with China to try to improve human rights and labour conditions for its Uighur Muslim minority.
Taiwan opposition pushes pork referendum, could threaten US trade deal
Taiwan’s main opposition party began a push for a referendum to block the easing of restrictions on US pork imports, which if passed could threaten a long-mooted free trade deal with the US.
It’s time to transform. It’s time to globalize solidarity, localize agriculture!
Time has come for us to take back control of our food systems and promote local production of our food systems.
Pacific trade agreement opponents to have their say
Australian, Tongan and Fijian opponents to a new Pacific trade agreement will give evidence at a parliamentary hearing.
Climate protest against the EU-Mercosur trade deal
A protest against the planned EU-Mercosur trade agreement was held on 28 August, with the participating groups citing the incompatibilities of the EU’s climate ambitions with actions taken by the Brazilian government.
Pig farmers protest government move to ease imported pork restrictions
Some 200 pig farmers and workers staged a protest in front of the Yunlin County government building to oppose the central government’s decision to allow imports of US pork containing the controversial veterinary drug ractopamine.
Trade Secrets
The truth about the US trade deal and how we can stop it.
Investment disputes from below: whose rights matter?
Mining, environment and livelihoods in Colombia.
End the Canada Israel free trade agreement
On Sunday a demonstration is planned in Montréal against the Canada Israel Free Trade Agreement. Under the banner “Against Israel’s annexation of the Jordan Valley.
Creating a feminist alliance for trade justice
Trade liberalisation is incompatible with women’s human rights and gender equality when corporations exploit women’s cheap labour as a source of comparative advantage.