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Third miner declares dispute with Tanzania government
The dispute is related to Canada-based company Montero Mining’s investment in the Wigu Hill rare earth element project.
Winshear delivers notice of intent to submit a claim to arbitration under Canada-Tanzania agreement for the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments
The dispute arises out of certain acts and omissions of the United Republic of Tanzania, relating to the SMP Gold Project, says the company.
What the amendments to the USMCA mean for Canadian IP law
Many requirements of the original USMCA have already been met by recent changes in Canadian IP legislation, but more amendments will be required to implement the USMCA.
The European Commission is urging Canada to adopt stricter piracy rules
Canada’s intellectual protection rights system was also slammed for being too clement.
Lupaka files notice of intent to submit a claim to arbitration under Canada-Peru FTA
The dispute is related to the Invicta gold mine project and the blockade erected by the community of Parán in October 2018 wherein it prevented any access to the mining site.
How the ‘New NAFTA’ will affect Canadians
Small gains for workers, but the environment gets a shoddy deal.
’Turkey, Canada FTA negotiations should start soon’
A free trade agreement between Turkey and Canada should start as soon as possible, the deputy trade minister of Turkey, said.
The role of treaty committees in CETA and other recent EU free trade agreements
Questions and answers with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiß, Chair of Public Law, University Speyer.
Commission presents procedural proposals for the Investment Court System in CETA
The European Commission today presented to the Council four proposals for specific rules putting in place the Investment Court System provisions in the EU-Canada trade deal.
Canada-EU beef trade deal not working as well as hoped
European health standards too costly and complicated for Albertan beef exporters.
Modernized free trade agreement lifts duties on Israeli imports of Canadian foodstuffs
The expanded Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement took effect, eliminating or reducing tariffs on the import into Israel of a wide range of foods from Canada.
Modernized Israel-Canada free trade agreement enters into force
A modernized and expanded Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) entered into force following ratification by both governments, widening the sectors of trade cooperation between the countries.
Quebec dairy farmers struggling with new open markets
Quebec dairy farmers continue to struggle as international trade agreements have hit their bottom line hard.
Canada will continue trade negotiations with Mercosur, despite the current Amazon policy of Brazil
Canada will continue its trade negotiations with Mercosur, the South American trading bloc that includes Brazil, despite demands to call a halt to the talks until more action is taken to protect the Amazon rainforest.
CETA raises questions over transparency of meat labelling
CETA raises many questions and it is up to food businesses to comply with various requirements, in order to highlight their products and provide accurate information.
UK’s Boris Johnson expected to press Trudeau on trade pact at G7
As it hurtles toward what could be a messy exit from the European Union, Britain is hoping to hear some fresh trade reassurances from Canada at the upcoming G7 Summit.
Canada should engage with Taiwan and others given our China troubles
Given the difficult situation between Canada and China, commentators have suggested ways Canada could push back. Among them is a reassessment of our relations with Taiwan.
Canada seeks input on new members for the CPTPP agreement
The Government of Canada has invited members of the public to submit views on the potential admission of additional members to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Farmers dump manure outside French lawmakers’ offices in CETA protest
Tonnes of manure were dropped and concrete blocks were built outside the offices of two lawmakers from Emmanuel Macron’s LaREM party.
French parliament approves EU-Canada free trade deal
France’s parliament approved the EU-Canada free trade agreement despite strong objections by the opposition parties, trade unions and environmental groups.