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Comments to the Ghanaian Minister of foreign affairs’ letter to the European Parliament
Despite the vibrant Ghanaian Minister plea to the European Parliament to ratify the interim Economic Partnership Agreement, there are some flaws.
Tanzanian parliament scuttles EPA deal ahead of January meeting
The Tanzanian parliament has shot down plans for the country to sign the economic partnership agreement (EPA).
East Africa: team faults EAC-EU EPA deal
The Economic Partnership Agreement between East African Community and European Union is ’a raw deal’, an independent team tasked to examine the trade deal has warned.
EU’s EPA strategy detrimental to Africa – ECOWAS farmers
The Economic Community of West Africa States ECOWAS,’ farmers have called on African leaders to resist the pressure being put on them by the European Union to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement.
Comments after the INTA Committee’s debate on Ghana’s interim EPA
On October 13, 2016 the INTA Committee of the European Parliament debated Ghana’s interim EPA (iEPA), with the participation of Ms Hannah Tetteh, Ghana’s Minister of foreign affairs.
Why East Africa should reject European pact
Countries in East Africa are ready to sign on a poorly understood trade agreement with the EU whose overall impact will be disastrous for years to come.
Kenya’s access to Europe remains intact
Kenya will continue enjoying duty-free and quota-free access for its goods to the European Union even if neighbouring countries fail to approve the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
EU threatens to stop market access for Nigerian products over EPA
The European Union may terminate the Temporary Free Market Access it granted Nigeria to export products to the EU due to Nigeria’s failure to sign the ECOWAS-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, reports Financial Vanguard
Why East Africa should reject EPA deal with European Union
Europe is in crisis, and yet countries in East Africa are ready to sign on a poorly understood trade agreement with the EU whose overall impact will be disastrous for years to come. The good thing for Tanzania is that there are three months for debate.
GSP+ is by far a much better option for Ghana than implementing its interim EPA
Asking to the EU the benefit of GSP+ would be by far a much better option than implementing its interim EPA it has already ratified.
Spain: Partnership agreement between EU and SADC rejected
The Joint Parliamentary Group has presented a non-legislative motion at the Parliament, urging the Government not to ratify the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and the Southern African Development Community.
SADC-EU trade treaty comes into effect
Southern African Development Community (SADC)-European Union (EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) provisionally enters into force.
US complains of disadvantage as EU-SADC trade deal kicks in
As the EU-SADC’s economic partnership agreement takes effect, the Obama administration has raised concerns that US companies have been left at a competitive disadvantage.
Trade for the people, not for corporate elites!
People Over Profit is a new global network of people’s movements and NGOs campaigning against FTAs and corporate plunder. Sign the call and join the action.
Kenya finally deposits EU trade pact ahead of Saturday deadline
Just a week after the National Assembly unanimously endorsed the Economic Partnership Agreement, the government deposited the same instruments with the EU.
EU wins the battle for reciprocal trade access in Africa
The six African countries threatened with losing access to the European single market have finally agreed to sign the EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). But the continent’s regional integration may suffer as a result. EurActiv France reports.
Cameroon goes it alone with controversial EU trade deal, angers regional partners
Many in Cameroon and the wider region worry that the unilateral signing of an Economic Partnership Agreement was a bad decision.
NACCIMA opposes signing of West Africa-EU agreement
Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture has urged the Federal Government to refrain from signing the West Africa-EU Economic Partnership Agreement
House okays EU trade pact ahead of deadline
Parliament unanimously endorsed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), sending yet another strong signal of Kenya’s resolve to conclude the decade-old negotiations with Europe.
MEPs approve trade deal with six African states – nine years late
A trade deal with six developing African countries was agreed by the European Parliament – some nine years behind schedule.