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‘Turkey’s goal in its relations with Latin America is to deepen cooperation’
Turkey and Mercosur need to move economic relations further and sign free trade agreements, said Turkish Foreign Minister.
Mercosur meeting ends without deal on import tariff cuts
The member states were unable to hash out an agreement after Uruguay declined to sign on unless other countries agreed to let it negotiate its own unilateral free trade deals without the blessing of Mercosur nations.
Greenpeace urges Canada to drop trade deal to save the Amazon
An environmental group is pleading with the Canadian government to reject a controversial trade deal it says would further fuel deforestation in the Amazon in a new letter addressed to Canada’s minister of foreign affairs.
UK trade talks risk ‘lending legitimacy’ to Brazil’s far-right regime, TUC claims
British ministers should not pursue a trade deal with the major economy while Jair Bolsonaro is in charge, trade union boss, Frances O’Grady, said.
How the Mercosur deal’s ethanol boost contradicts EU green promises
While the EU maintains that ethanol has a role to play in Europe’s shift to clean transport, the production of ethanol is damaging the environment and hurting local communities in South America.
SACU and South America to deepen trade relations
Officials from the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) and the South American-based Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) have reaffirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA).
S. Korea to expand FTAs with more emerging countries in S.E. Asia, Latin America
South Korea said it plans to implement or launch negotiations for a set of new FTAs with trading counterparts from Southeast Asia and Latin America this year, as part of efforts to reduce its reliance on major economies.
Uruguay and China will seek bilateral FTA, Uruguayan president announces
Uruguay and China will begin negotiations to seek a bilateral free trade agreement, Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou announced, an issue that has generated risks within Mercosur.
Macron says France ’will continue’ to oppose EU-Mercosur trade deal
French President Emmanuel Macron said Friday that Paris maintains its opposition to the trade agreement agreed between the European Union and Mercosur.
Mercosur-Arabs: Brazil wants to resume talks on agreements
The Brazilian government is interested in resuming negotiations for free trade agreements between Mercosur and Arab countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, and Lebanon.
S. Korea kicks off 7th round of free trade talks with Mercosur
South Korea said it has launched a new round of negotiations to clinch a free trade agreement with Mercosur, South America’s leading trading bloc, as it aims to further expand its export portfolio.
Uruguay to open an embassy in Turkey, hopes to sign trade agreement
Uruguay hopes to sign a free trade agreement with Turkey, would be joined by the other Mercosur partners, said Foreign Minister, Francisco Bustillo.
Mercosur-Egypt: Brazil to request more tariff reductions
The Brazilian private sector will request to anticipate tariff reductions in the free trade agreement between Mercosur and Egypt, in addition to demanding the inclusion of new products.
Brazil wants to settle Mercosur-Lebanon agreement in 2022
The Brazilian government expects the free trade agreement between Mercosur and Lebanon to be concluded next year, said the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
South Korea/Mercosur round of trade talks at the end of the month
South Korea wants to advance with trade negotiations with Mercosur. Discussions started back in 2018 and at the end of the month, a seventh-round is slated to take place.
Brexit: Australia trade deal may lead to deal with South America, where intensive farming destroys rainforests
‘Any policy allowing imports that do not match UK animal welfare policies simply props up an industry the public has firmly rejected,’ says critic.
Mercosur deal: Irish beef to lose at least €44 million in value
The value of Ireland’s beef output would be cut by at least €44 million, according to the government’s assessment of the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement.
The EU sets precedent with the first animal welfare-based condition in a trade agreement
For the first time, the EU set an animal welfare-based condition in the EU-Mercosur agreement but it is not sufficient to save the deal as it stands.
Trading away industrialization? Contexts and prospects of the EU-Mercosur agreement
The agreement is likely to be a step toward less productive, more unequal and more vulnerable economies in both regions.