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Venezuela OK’d for MERCOSUR
The Commission of the Constitution and Justice (CCJ) of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies approved the entrance of Venezuela to the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR).
Brazilian signal for Venezuela’s Mercosur membership
The Brazilian Lower House Constitution and Justice Committee passed on Wednesday a motion for the long awaited incorporation of Venezuela to the South American trade block, Mercosur. However Venezuelan membership still faces a full debate in the House and must convince the Brazilian Senate.
Mercosur FTA to boost Korea’s GDP by 2% - study
A free trade agreement with the South American trade bloc Mercosur could increase Korea’s gross domestic product by up to two percent, a study by the two sides has found. The Foreign Ministry said the joint FTA study was adopted at a Korea-Mercosur policy meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay late last month.
S. Korea set to speed up efforts for free trade pacts with Latin American nations
South Korea is ready to accelerate its efforts to sign free trade agreements with Mexico and Mercosur, the country’s top economic policymaker said Monday.
Mercosur-Venezuela: Integration - Easier said than done
Above and beyond the political rhetoric in favour of South American integration, Mercosur and Venezuela have not eliminated their mutual suspicions, which are delaying Venezuela’s admission to the trade bloc as the fifth full member
Mexico in Mercosur ’essential’
Mexico’s entry to Mercosur is “essential,” President Néstor Kirchner insisted yesterday after a meeting with his Mexican peer Felipe Calderón in Mexico City.
Mercosur summit calls for unity and not much more
Mercosur presidential summit in Paraguay approved Friday steps to speed cross-border shipments of meat and vegetables on Friday, but postponed action on other key issues amid calls for greater unity.
Unapologetic Venezuela urges Brazil, Paraguay to approve entry into Mercosur
Brazil wants a "goodwill gesture" from Venezuela before its Congress votes it into the Mercosur trade bloc, but President Hugo Chavez’s government indicated Thursday it won’t be extending an olive branch any time soon.
"To change Mercosur, you need to join first"
Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has to enter the Common Market of the South (Mercosur) as a full member first, before starting to make reforms, as he has hinted he intends to do, said Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs Celso Amorim in an interview daily newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo published on Sunday.
Mercosur trade bloc in limbo
South America’s 15-year-old Mercosur trade bloc — made up of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela — recently inaugurated a European Union-styled regional parliament here amid hopes by many Uruguayans that this capital will become ``the Brussels of South America.’’
India, Brazil trade target fixed at $10bn by 2010: Nath
Union minister of commerce and industry Kamal Nath said on Monday that Brazil and India have set a target of bilateral trade of $ 10 billion by 2010.
India, Mercosur, SACU agreement to enhance trade
Government today said a trilateral agreement with trade bloc Mercosur and South Africa Customs Union (SACU) is under consideration to widen the scope of South-South Cooperation.
Mercosur, “an illusion of integration”; Brazil no longer leads
Latinamerica has never been so divided, Mercosur is but an illusion of integration and Brazil has lost its leadership and convergence capacity according to former Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso who ruled from 1995 to 2000.
EU trade with Latin America sets new record
European trade with Latin America will grow as a result of growing interest among companies on each side of the Atlantic, as will European investment in the region, which is already growing significantly. And while free trade agreements with Central America and the Andean Community will help boost EU trade with Latin America, the big prize is Mercosur.
EU envoy attempts to re-launch trade talks with Mercosur
A top European Union trade negotiator begins this week an official visit to the four Mercosur country members in an attempt to re-launch the stalled talks with the South American block for an association agreement.
The EU and Mercosur: Can the EU get its foot in the door of Mercosur, Latin America’s most dominant market?
With US foreign policy heavily focused on Iraq and the WTO Doha Round negotiations all but paralyzed, the European Union seems to be disregarding the wide open door to further regional integration and economic influence in Latin America that could be achieved through a free trade arrangement with Mercosur.
Analysis of Mercosur Summit
Presidents Néstor Kirchner (Argentina), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brasil), Nicanor Duarte (Paraguay) y Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay) met at the Río de Janeiro summit between 18 & 19 January in order to advance and consolidate the Southern Common Market (Mercosur). The focus was less on institutional strengthening of the block but more on looking for mechanisms to resolve the deep asymmetry in trading relations between nations.
Brazil may ratify Mercosur PTA with India by June
Brazil today said it would ratify the Mercosur preferential trade agreement (PTA) with India by June this year. However only Brazil would ratify, not the other members of Mercosur.
Brazil hopes to sign FTA soon
A free trade agreement (FTA) is expected to be concluded soon between India and the MERCOSUR group of South American countries, visiting Brazilian foreign minister, Mr Celso Amorim, today indicated. “It is partly our fault that the bilateral trade between India and Brazil is still very small around $3 billion,” Mr Amorim said at an interactive session organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
EU: APEB wants boycott of banana imports in FTA talks with Latin America
The association of European banana producers APEB has announced that it will request the EU to leave any discussion of the banana import tariff out of the negotiations on economic collaboration or free trade agreements with the Andean countries in South America and with the countries in Central America.