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North America Free Trade Agreement | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

$130 million NAFTA payout sets troubling precedent
Why should a provincial government be punished for doing the right thing?
More free trade agreements? When NAFTA failed?
With the Republicans and the Obama administration attempting to rush headlong into a new trade agreements with Korea, and possibly also with Panama and Colombia, it is incumbent on Americans to apply a bit of empiricism. How have our past trade agreements worked out? Above all, how’s the grand-daddy of them all, NAFTA, doing?
Is ‘another Egypt’ brewing in Mexico?
People in Chihuahua who were picked up under guidelines of the Merida Initiative on three-year-old warrants were charged not with drugs but with organizing anti-NAFTA protests!
Perimeter security and the future of North American integration
While the NAFTA framework remains intact, a recent announcement by Canada and the US to work towards a trade and security perimeter agreement without Mexico, has some questioning the future of the whole trilateral process.
Solidarity in action: Unionists across North America to protest for Mexican workers’ rights
This week, people across the United States and Canada will demonstrate at Mexican consulates and embassies in protest of violations of the right to organize in Mexico. Of particular concern to protesters will be the bitter strikes and repression of unions representing miners and electrical workers, and the escalating practice of government and corporate entities forcibly installing company unions known there as “protection unions.”
We need to rethink, not rearm NAFTA
Experts expect Obama and Harper to announce a “new” border partnership to ease the flow of goods and people across the border by harmonizing security, immigration and refugee, surveillance and possibly defense policy across the continent. There’s nothing new about this plan. It’s the regurgitation of the defunct Bush-led Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) without the Mexican “amigo.”
Free trade: US corn flows south, Mexico exports men
"The government [of Mexico] didn’t so much pull the plug on corn. The government pulled the plug on family farmers who grow corn because the big guys who grew corn got massive subsidies and protection from imports," said Jonathan Fox, an expert on rural Mexico at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
US claims victory over Canada in lumber dispute
The United States claimed victory against Canada Friday in a trade dispute over Ottawa’s alleged subsidies for lumber exports to the United States.
Table of NAFTA “Chapter 11” foreign investor-state cases and claims
Over $326 million in compensation has already been paid out by governments to mainly US corporations in the 66 NAFTA cases filed to date.
Zapatistas struggle for another Mexico
As in Colombia, evidence suggests paramilitaries act as enforcers for foreign corporations. Since NAFTA took effect, US and Canadian mining companies have acquired more than a million hectares of land in Chiapas, displacing thousands of peasants.
US pork feeling impact of Mexican trucking dispute
The National Pork Producers Council reports US pork exports to Mexico have fallen 20% as a result of the failure of the US to comply with a provision of NAFTA that allows Mexican trucks to haul goods into America.
Mexico: Drug wars fuelled by free trade
In Mexico, a war involving rival drug gangs, law enforcement agencies and the national army has officially claimed 23,000 lives since 2006. The violence can be directly attributed to the corrosive impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
US wants to send latest tuna-dolphin spat with Mexico to NAFTA
The US government has called for the creation of a dispute settlement panel under the North American Free Trade Agreement to rule on Mexico’s decision to pursue a complaint about US labelling rules for ‘dolphin safe’ tuna at the WTO rather than under NAFTA.
US import bill violates NAFTA, Canada’s ambassador warns
Canada’s ambassador to the United States has issued a stern warning to the most powerful congressional leaders on Capitol Hill over a protectionist piece of legislation that “will have a disproportionally negative impact on intertwined US-Canada supply chains and on jobs in both our countries.”
US drones prowl Mexico bicentennial
Perhaps, the most lucrative legacy of NAFTA has been the expansion of the drug trade. And the drug gangs are following the basic premises of free trade style capitalism to their logical conclusion: buy low, sell high, make profit, and eliminate your competitors.
AbitibiBowater wins NAFTA case vs. Ottawa
It came as a surprise to many this week that the federal government — and ultimately Canadian taxpayers — will make a payment of $130 million to Montrealbased AbitibiBowater Inc. to compensate for company assets expropriated by the Newfoundland government in that province.
N.L. not on hook for Abitibi payout: Williams
Premier Danny Williams says the Newfoundland and Labrador government will not share the $130-million settlement the federal government made with AbitibiBowater.
Mexico slaps tariff on US products in truck dispute
Mexico slapped new tariffs on some US pork and cheese products on Wednesday, the latest in a long-running spat between the two nations over US refusal to permit Mexican truckers to cross the border.
Pork becomes pawn in US-Mexico trade dispute
Mexico has put US pork on its list of retaliatory goods in response to what it says is unfair restriction by the US of Mexican truckers, in violation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Trade pacts hurting Maine, manufacturers tell top US trade rep
On the second day of a two-day visit to Maine, the president’s top trade advisor has been hearing from some members of the state’s manufacturing sector about how trade policy has been hurting them.