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North America Free Trade Agreement | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Econo-protests paralyze Mexico City, Juárez-El Paso bridge
Thousands of campesinos from across Mexico blocked central avenues of the capital Jan. 30, many having traveled for days for the protest directed at President Felipe Calderón. Protesters decried that Calderón has instated a freeze on petrol prices, but not diesel-on which tractors and other farm equipment run. They also rejected Calderón’s free trade policies, which they say hurts the farm sector.
’Buy American’ stimulus plan riles trade partners
A new "Buy American" push in President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan is sparking protests about protectionism from US trading partners.
Ottawa involved in AbitibiBowater dispute, Day says
The federal government has confirmed it is now playing a part to help resolve a dispute between AbitibiBowater and the Newfoundland and Labrador government.
Obama and NAFTA
Will he or won’t he? In the shadow of the economic crisis, a war of words rages over whether President-elect Barack Obama will hold to his campaign promise of opening up the North American Free Trade Agreement for renegotiation.
Mexico’s fiscal prudence fails to avert a slowdown
The North American Free Trade Agreement, which so tightly bound Mexico and the United States and turns 15 on Thursday, is helping drag Mexico down with the United States
Mexico’s Calderon warns Obama against renegotiating trade deal
Mexican President Felipe Calderon warned Barack Obama against trying to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying restricting commerce would only encourage illegal Mexican emigration to the US.
Anti-NAFTA groups prepare wish list for Obama
Not everybody in Canada is terrified by the prospect of U.S president-elect Barack Obama reopening the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Obama not likely to renegotiate NAFTA, ex-diplomat says
President-elect Barack Obama will likely find a way to back off his election campaign promise to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, a former Canadian ambassador to both the U.S. and France said here Thursday.
NAFTA challenge won’t stop Ont. from going ahead with pesticide ban: minister
Ontario won’t back down from its plan to prohibit the cosmetic use and sale of weed killer 2,4-D despite a NAFTA challenge to Quebec’s pesticide ban, Ontario’s environment minister said Tuesday.
NAM president calls for study of a transatlantic free trade area
The US-based National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President John Engler today called for in-depth study of a "Transatlantic Free Trade Area" between either the European Union and the United States or the EU and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations.
Quebec herbicide ban violates NAFTA, pesticide maker alleges
Dow AgroSciences, maker of the commonly used herbicide ingredient 2,4-D, is challenging the Quebec government under the North American Free Trade Agreement for banning its product.
Canada and Europe ponder trade pact
Canada’s prime minister, Stephen Harper, and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who is the president of the European Union as well, are expected to sign an agreement for preliminary negotiations meant to create a trade pact between Canada and Europe that would be even more sweeping than the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Food safety, free trade and the election
What does food safety have to do with free trade? A great deal, argues Common Frontiers, a Canadian group critical of the trend towards economic integration — harmonization, as it’s politely put — of standards under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Displaced people: NAFTA’s most important product
Since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993, the US Congress has debated and passed several new bilateral trade agreements with Peru, Jordan and Chile, as well as the Central American Free Trade Agreement. Congressional debates over immigration policy have proceeded as though those trade agreements bore no relationship to the waves of displaced people migrating to the United States, looking for work.
US House votes to end Mexican truck program
The US House of Representatives defied a White House veto threat on Tuesday by voting to end a controversial pilot program, begun last year under NAFTA, that gives long-haul commercial trucks from Mexico full access to US highways.
New Zealand should exploit Mexico/US FTA
New Zealand companies should take advantage of Mexico’s free trade agreement with the United States and look at entering the lucrative US market via its neighbour, a visiting trade representative says.
Uruguay: After Doha, FTA with the EU and NAFTA fails once again
Trade agreements with big blocs like the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or with the European Union have experienced a recent boost in Uruguay.
Official: Mexico open to new NAFTA talks
The Mexican government dismisses talk of disbanding NAFTA as politics, the country’s economy minister said Friday, but it would back the idea of a new round of North American trade talks, with the aim of including issues such as the environment and labor.
NAFTA and the elephant in the room
The biggest challenge now to our networks is not to centralize the struggle and the critique but to understand our differences. We have a pretty good understanding of the architecture built by NAFTA and added onto in the SPP. We need to continue to work together to analyze its foundations and mainstays.
Tomatoes or children?
It is gratifying that our government will go to such lengths to stamp out a dangerous bacterium. It is less encouraging to know that the inspectors were not looking at massive labor rights violations, especially the systematic employment of young children in hazardous conditions, which have existed in the tomato industry for decades.