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documents ▪ documentos
 Memorandum du ROPPA, de la CPF et des membres de la societe civile du Burkina sur l’integration regionale et les negociations pour l’APE, juin 2007
 Patrick Burnett and Firoze Manji (eds), "From the slave trade to ‘free’ trade: How trade undermines democracy and justice in Africa", Fahamu, 2007
 Jane Kelsey, "Comments on the Pacific EPA" (2007)
 Via Campesina Africa, Caribbean and Europe, "Reject the Economic Partnership Agreement EU-ACP!" (21 November 2006)
 EAFF, PROPAC, ROPPA, SACAU and WINFA, "Farmers’ organisations Mid-term review of the Economic Partnership Agreements", 2006
 Jane Kelsey, "10 reasons to challenge the Pacific EPA" (2006)
 Aziz Choudry, "Prising open the Pacific", ZNet Commentary, 27 October 2001

photos ▪ fotos
 Fighting FTAs Africa photo gallery
 EPA-07 photo gallery
 ROPPA slideshow on farmer mobilisation in Ouagadougou, June 2007, to deliver West African farmer demands to EU and ECOWAS on the EPA (scroll down to "album photo")

videos ▪ vidéos ▪ vídeos
 Didier Awadi, "On ne signe pas", music video from Senegal against the EPAs (December 2007)

 Interview with Anthony Akunzule, Ghana Poultry Network, for Fighting FTAs (December 2007)
 Interview with Armin Paasch, FIAN Germany, for Fighting FTAs (December 2007)
 Interview with Marc Maes, 11.11.11, Coalition of Flemish North South Movement, for Fighting FTAs (December 2007)
 Interview with Wallie Roux, campaigner against EU EPAs in southern Africa, for Fighting FTAs (December 2007)

websites ▪ sites web ▪ sitios web
 EU North-South Policy
 Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et de Producteurs Agricoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (ROPPA)
 Stop EPA
