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US cites progress in Andean talks but agriculture remains sticking point
Negotiators working on a free trade agreement between the United States and the three Andean countries of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru made "strong advances" in the latest round of talks in a number of areas — including market access and dispute settlement — but still have much work to do on agriculture, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for the Americas Regina Vargo said.
Prosper-thy-neighbour in South Asia
The postponement of the Dhaka Summit of Saarc, twice over the past two months, is a setback for the fledgling process of economic integration in South Asia. But that should not prevent India from taking unilateral initiatives for promoting industry and supply capacities in its neighbours, especially Bangladesh.
Dhaka softens on graft, transparency in TIFA: Draft agreement almost ready
Bangladesh and US trade officials are close to finalising a draft for a trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA), as Dhaka softened its positions on key debated issues.
WTO wrong to abandon core values
Free trade agreements are popping up everywhere. In its first term the Bush administration pushed four through Congress and started another three. China is negotiating FTAs with Chile and New Zealand. And Australia has negotiated three with Washington, Singapore and Thailand, and is in the process of dealing with Beijing. Not everyone thinks they are good.
The case for a China trade deal
The Howard Government is moving inevitably towards a free trade agreement with China. That is no bad thing. In the absence of any meaningful progress at the World Trade Organisation, a medium-sized economy such as Australia has few options but to pursue bilateral pacts with powerhouse economies such as China.
Maqbool cites reasons for move to begin free-trade pact talks with US
Maqbool bin Ali Sultan, minister of commerce and industry, yesterday cited two reasons for the Sultanate’s decision to begin negotiations for a free-trade agreement with the US. He was addressing Omani businessmen, private sector officials and representatives of the companies operating in the Sultanate during a meeting at the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Paraguayan FTA safe: government
Government officials yesterday dismissed a report that the proposed free-trade agreement (FTA) between Taiwan and its diplomatic ally Paraguay is in jeopardy, due to pressure from other members of Mercosur, a South American trade bloc of which Paraguay is a member.
TIFA talks start today
Dhaka is likely to soften its position on inclusion of a clause related to bribery and corruption as it enters into the third round of talks with Washington today on a trade and investment framework agreement, sources in the commerce ministry have told New Age.
Pakistan proposes preferential trade pact with Afghanistan
Commerce Minister Humayun Akhtar Khan has proposed signing of a preferential trade agreement (PTA) leading to a free trade agreement (FTA) with Afghanistan in the near future to increase the volume of bilateral trade between the two countries.
Japan may accept more workers from Thailand
The Japanese government is considering allowing in more Thai workers by relaxing employment conditions for cooks, masseurs and caregivers under a proposed free-trade agreement.
Germany’s Fraport flexes muscle
Fraport AG of Germany has decided to flex its diplomatic muscle in pressing for immediate compensation from the Philippine government for their investment in the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Passenger Terminal 3 (NAIA-3) project, under the 1997 Philippine-German bilateral investment treaty.
FTA unbundling factor means negative impact - Colombia
The soon to be signed Andean region free trade agreement (FTA) with the US will have a negative impact on the present and future development of Colombia’s telecoms market if approved under the current state of negotiations.
FTAs with four Asian countries
Pakistan would formally initiate dialogue on signing free trade agreements (FTAs) with Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and also negotiate a preferential trade arrangement (PTA) with Morocco as part of its market access moves.
US blackmails Bolivia for rejecting FTA
Bolivian parliamentary leader Santos Ramirez regarded US pressure against an oil project and for reasserting of an immunity agreement for US military troops as blackmail.
Pakistan and Malaysia to sign protocol for PTA
Pakistan and Malaysia will sign the protocol of a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) during Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s visit to Pakistan from February 15 to 18.
US-Pakistan bilateral investment treaty negotiations
US and Pakistani representatives have reached informal agreement on several issues on the draft of a bilateral investment treaty.
USA to sign Free Trade Agreement with Bangladesh
The US ambassador Harry K Thomas said that his government and Bangladesh would sign a bilateral free trade agreement following the signing of the proposed Trade and Investment Facilitation Agreement (TIFA) that may take place shortly to exploit the business and economic potentials on both sides.
FTA will benefit common man too, says Kadirgamar
The Sri Lanka-Pakistan FTA will benefit not only the business communities but also the ordinary people in both countries, Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar said.
Colombian opposition urges for FTA referendum
Detractors of the Free Trade Agreement Marched Thursday throughout the main Colombian cities urging for a referendum to sanction or disapprove the signing of the accords.
UAE-US FTA talks slated in capital
The free trade agreement (FTA) negotiation council aims to properly oversee ongoing preparation for the first round of official UAE-US FTA negotiations, due to take place in Abu Dhabi next month, said Dr. Mohammed Khalfan bin Kharbash, UAE Minister of State for Financial and Industrial Affairs.