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Report of the India-EFTA joint study group
The Joint Study Group recommends that the governments of the EFTA States and India enter into negotiations for a broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement (TIA).
Greenpeace: Ratifying JPEPA would be ‘criminal’
Greenpeace says Japan is pursuing trade agreements with Southeast Asian nations “to reopen the region to toxic waste trafficking” citing an August 2006 contract between the Japanese government and Shinko Research Co. Ltd. “to assess the use of bilateral agreements ’for bidirectional movement of toxic wastes between Japan and Asian countries.’”
863 citizen groups call on World Bank president to respect Bolivia’s withdrawal from arbitration court
More than 800 citizens groups from 59 countries on every continent presented a petition on Tuesday, January 15 to World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick, expressing concerns about the International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), whose Administrative Council Mr. Zoellick chairs.
No talks on FTA with China this year, says Nath
Indicating that a free trade agreement (FTA) with China is a long way off, commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath said on Wednesday that New Delhi and Beijing would not have any discussions on such a pact during 2008.
EU-Caribbean FTA (2007)
As initialled on 16 Dec 2007 and signed on 15 Oct 2008
Implications of the Cariforum-EC EPA
The Cariforum-EC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is more than just a trade agreement: its scope embraces many subjects that have up to now been solely or mainly within national and regional jurisdiction. As a legally binding international instrument it embodies a far higher degree of supranational governance than that of Caricom. It will, inevitably, condition the scope and content of future agreements made between Caricom and other major trading partners and the region’s stance in WTO negotiations.
Militants hit Roxas statement on JPEPA
Anti-JPEPA groups criticized Philippine Senator Mar Roxas’ statement that he will advocate ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement as tantamount to "conditioning the public’s mind that the controversial JPEPA will be ratified by the Senate very soon."
GNP whip calls for secret ballot to ratify FTA
In a party caucus on Tuesday, Korea’s Grand National Party floor leader Ahn Sang-soo called on lawmakers to ratify the free trade agreement with the US by secret ballot if necessary.
East African Community to negotiate trade agreements with the US
The East African Community (EAC) is preparing to negotiate a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) with the United States.
EPA - the MAI in disguise?
In the late 1990s, Europe attempted to impose investment conditions and policies under the Multilateral Agreement on Investments (MAI) which was shot down by the anti-MAI campaign supported by the developing countries. It appears to have achieved much of the same through the Caribbean Economic Partnership Agreement.
Yemen to join GCC, Gulf-EU Free Trade Agreement to be signed
Yemen will soon become a regular member of the GCC, following the GCC leaders’ agreement to a request by Saudi King Abdallah. In addition, a GCC-EU free trade agreement is expected to be signed during 2008.
Malaysia, US resume free trade Talks
The United States and Malaysia resumed formal talks Monday for a free trade agreement, nearly a year after discussions stalled amid differences over Malaysia’s government procurement policy.
Sri Lanka stops pepper exports to India under free trade deal
Sri Lanka has stopped exporting pepper under the Indo-Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) because of restrictions imposed by India, a top exporter has said.
CARICOM/Canada trade talks start next month
The first full round of negotiations on a Canada/ CARICOM Free Trade Agreement is scheduled to get started next month.
Trade: The $1b game of patience
State of play with New Zealand’s trade negotiations
Impacting unimpaired
Both TILMA and the SPP have specific aims that go beyond the usual attempt to enshrine investors’ rights and protect corporations from government regulations. Both agreements pave the way for the largest industrial project in history to move forward: a project that calls for the extraction of over 170 billion barrels of recoverable oil from the tar sands of Alberta’s Athabasca, Peace and Cold Lake regions.
Agriculture takes a toll on Japanese economy
Free-trade deals had been the linchpin of a perceived strategy to break long-standing policy deadlocks in Japan, and to pry open agriculture to market mechanisms and competition. But uncertainty has set in.
Olive oil imports set to rise post India-EU FTA
The proposed India-EU free trade agreement may open doors for easy import of olive oil from Europe. Major olive oil exporting countries like Spain, Italy, and Greece are insisting upon India to reduce its duty, remove non-tariff barriers and other local taxes and levies and marketing restrictions like maximum retail price system that guarantee a 35% margin to the retailer.
Chinese exports to India rising fast
India Inc may have got some ammunition to ward off a free trade agreement with China. A study has revealed a steep growth in major manufactured good imports from China.
Stephen Harper’s bizarre logic of free trade with Colombia
How can Canada denounce human rights abuses in China while turning a blind eye to the mass political murder of trade unionists in Colombia?