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TPPA is not in our national interest
Malaysia should reject the TPPA outright until and unless a comprehensive and impartial CBA and comparative advantage study are conducted whose results are extensively communicated to the public
MEA asks commerce ministry to review FTAs, slowdown talks
India’s Ministry of external affairs is learnt to have asked the ministry of commerce and industry to review some of the key free trade agreements the country has signed with Singapore, Japan, Korea and Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
USTR hearing on TTIP
The comments submitted to and transcript of a public hearing convened by the US Trade Representative on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Agreement (TTIP) on 29-30 May 2013 are online.
Brazil reaches out to EU for trade deal
Brazil’s rising prosperity has led it to consider pushing for its own trade deal with the EU, after years of struggling to reach one alongside its neighbours.
TPP, TTIP, and Congress: the elephant in the room
Even assuming agreements can be reached and all foreign partners can deliver, there is an elephant roaming in these negotiating rooms: US Congress.
Advancing a new regulatory regime for TNCs and Investment: Towards a people’s international treaty
Invitation to a round table at the European Paliament in Brussels on 5 September to deepen the debate on corporate Impunity, and introduce key elements in emerging alternatives to reclaim the public Interest and end TNC impunity
Serbia’s free trade agreements with Turkey and Russia creates a golden opportunity
Most people are aware of Serbia’s free trade agreement but what is less known is Serbia’s free trade agreement with Turkey. Free trade agreements also exist between Kazakhstan, Belarus, CEFTA, EFTA, European Union and the USA.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A threat to democracy and food sovereignty
This Backgrounder outlines the agreement’s assault on democracy and food sovereignty and examines the TPP’s likely impacts on food and agriculture in Japan, the latest country to join negotiations.
Taking steps to ensure compliance with EU food norms: Govt
Admitting to increased stances of rejection of food consignments by EU in the last three years, India today said it is taking steps to ensure compliance with the European norms.
The deadly cost of secret free trade deals
Once again, our government is negotiating a trade deal in secret — and once again, the chorus of “free market” fundamentalists is assuring us that what’s good for lining corporate pockets must be good for us all.
FTA with India, Turkey, Israel, Russia to expand Peru’s non-traditional exports
Peru’s Foreign Trade Association (ComexPeru) said Monday that Peru should continue promoting free trade agreements with India, Turkey, Israel, Russia and Arab countries as they boost non-traditional exports.
Globalisation linked to rash of food scares
Two cases this August involving food poisoning highlight a growing public concern with food safety, raising concerns about the globalisation of the food supply.
A guide to the TPPA–Why Bantah?
The TPPA may be a free trade agreement in form, but it is an imperialist regulatory agreement in substance.
BIT: India, US completes 3 rounds of negotiations
India and the US have completed three rounds of negotiations for the proposed bilateral investment treaty (BIT), a pact which would help in enhancing economic ties between the countries.
Canada-EU Trade negotiators draw up “break-out package” on outstanding issues
Trade negotiators for Canada and the European Union have drawn up a proposal they hope will bridge the differences that are blocking a free trade deal after more than four years of talks, according to people familiar with the matter.
’Indo-Swiss FTA likely by 2015’
A Free-Trade Agreement between India and Switzerland, which is currently under negotiations, could materialise some time in 2015, said Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Switzerland, Martin Strub.
EU criticises impasse in Bosnia trade talks
The European Commission says that it regrets the ongoing stalemate in trade talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
EU-Central America agreement : International statement
European and Latin-American networks reiterate their recommendations to the European Union and its Member States, in view of the imminent provisional implementation of the commercial pillar of the Association Agreement with con Honduras, Panama and Nicaragua
To free up US banks from Fed and Dodd-Frank suffocation, how about Financial Free Zones?
Emerging economies like the UAE have introduced a financial market innovation that could be transplanted to the US and implemented through BITs and FTAs: financial free zones.
FTAs actually restrict free trade
We are told that when trade is free, there will be more trade and nations will prosper. To achieve even freer trade the nations of the world must enter into free trade agreements.