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Focus on: TTIP and (de)regulation

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Lowest common denominator: EU-US trade deal threatens to lower standards of protection from toxic pesticides
A new analysis exposes how the American and European pesticide industry is using ongoing EU-US trade negotiations to lower human health and environmental standards in order to increase trade in toxic pesticides.
TTIP: Regulations handcuffed
A new leaked proposal from the transatlantic trade treaty negotiations (TTIP) shows the European Commission seemingly unstoppable in its drive to constrain regulations to protect the public interest – including potentially those made by regional authorities.
TTIP: Regulatory cooperation - a threat to democracy
Video about the proposed regulatory cooperation chapter of the possible EU-US trade deal.
Regulatory cooperation: perhaps boring, but the TTIP storm on the horizon
Regulatory cooperation is on the face of it one of the least exciting concepts within the TTIP negotiations. But it is the coming storm on the horizon.
EU Commission sets out TTIP regulatory cooperation principles
The European Commission has published the draft legal text for a chapter on general regulatory cooperation which it presented to the US during the latest round of negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), held last week in Brussels.
UPDATE: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): A charter for deregulation, an attack on jobs, an end to democracy
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung have today released an updated version of their publication on TTIP by John Hilary.
Regulatory cooperation in TTIP: united in deregulation
Another aspect of the transatlantic trade and investment treaty (TTIP) talks is threatening to the public interest: "regulatory cooperation".
Regulatory cooperation: how an EU-US trade deal risks creating a labyrinth of red tape
Here are 10 reasons why the current European Commission proposal for regulatory cooperation poses serious risks to legislation and decision making in the public interest and is another reason why TTIP should be stopped.
Commission publishes updated EU textual proposal on regulatory cooperation in TTIP negotiations
Today, the Commission published the updated EU textual proposal on regulatory cooperation, following the 9th round of negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Against the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Opponents of the trade deal being secretly negotiated between the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam have moved the discussion beyond its putative impact on jobs and growth and closer to the agreement’s broader ramifications, writes the IUF’s Peter Rossman.
The hidden costs of trade treaties
The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.
The risks of mutual recognition of voluntary industry standards within the context of a future EU - US trade agreement (TTIP) and alternative approaches
Report sets out the risks to the voluntary single standard system that would arise from the mutual recognition of European and US industry standards
The regulatory cooperation chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: institutional structures and democratic consequences
This article focuses on the structure, scope, discipline, institutional design, enforcement and implementation of the envisaged horizontal chapter, often defined regulatory cooperation chapter.
TTIP vs food sovereignty
TTIP threatens our food future. In addition to campaigning against it, we need to work towards an alternative framework.
Cooperating to deregulate
In the EU institutions, a strategy to roll back “burdensome regulation” for businesses, has been unfolding for the better part of 15 years, and recently, this “Better Regulation Agenda” has been stepped up. This context combined with Regulatory Cooperation under TTIP could open up a new phase of hyper-deregulation.
TTIP poised to gut US states’ ability to protect on toxic chemicals
EU proposals for EU-US trade deal threaten democratic process for protecting people and the environment
The VW scandal and what does it mean for TTIP?
The VW cheating scandal highlights how far we are from any mutual recognition of standards, and how fundamental differences are between the rule of law in the US and in the EU.
EU and US mega deal sparks inflated emotions
Negotiations are about import tariffs but mainly about sanitary and phytosanitary standards, which can have far-reaching consequences for agriculture.