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Bilateral deal-making involving European governments.

last update: May 2012
photo: Mehr Demokratie e.V.

Ukraine eyes patent law reform after civil society push on medicines access
Ukrainian lawmakers are poised to approve sweeping patent reform legislation, driven in large part by a push by patients’ groups for better access to affordable medicines and healthcare.
Island will be able to do its own trade deals
Jersey will soon be able to negotiate its own trade deals after finally being given permission by the UK – three years after the request was first made.
EU pushes to hasten start of Japan trade deal
The European Commission put forward a proposed free-trade agreement with Japan for fast-track approval, hoping to avoid a repeat of the public protests that nearly derailed a trade pact with Canada.
Quiet on the set! The EU is negotiating trade deals...
Following calls for openness and public participation, the European Commission now advertises its trade negotiations as transparent and inclusive. But crucial information about EU trade deals are still kept from citizens. Even member state governments regularly complain about being left in the dark. At the same time, corporations continue to call the shots on EU trade talks.
Ukraine, Turkey move toward free trade agreement for agricultural goods
Ukraine and Turkey have made progress in negotiations on a free trade zone, agreeing to include agricultural products in the zone along with industrial ones.
Georgia discusses free trade agreement with Gulf countries
Georgia is seeking to establish a free trade agreement with the countries of the Gulf to access their markets and facilitate increased bilateral business and trade.
MEPs back Ukraine-style ‘association’ deal for post-Brexit UK
The European Parliament has backed a Ukraine-style “association agreement” as the model for future EU-UK relations after Brexit.
EP wants to include gender equality in free-trade agreements
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution to better account for gender equality in trade agreements. The commission could follow up on the resolution in its agreement with Chile.
Malmström issues plan to improve implementation of sustainability chapters in EU trade deals
The EU’s top trade official released a plan examining how the bloc can make sure the sustainable development chapters in its trade deals can be applied more effectively.
Georgia and Turkey boost trade by widening free trade agreement
Georgian producers will soon be able to increase export volume to Turkey by 20 percent as Georgia and Turkey have agreed to widen an existing free trade agreement


  • Amfori
    European business lobby group on foreign trade issues
  • Collectif Stop Tafta / CETA
    Site internet du collectif français Stop TAFTA, CETA et autres accords de libre-échange
  • ESF
    The European Services Forum (ESF) is a network of representatives from the European services sector. We are committed to actively promoting the interests of the European services sector and the liberalisation of services markets throughout the world in connection with the GATS negotiations.
  • Eurochambres
    Eurochambres, a European business lobby group, webpage on FTAs
  • FOEE: Trade
    Friends of the Earth Europe’s special web section on trade deals
  • Handelskampanjen
    The Norwegian Trade Campaign will oppose the current, neo-liberal trade policies and fundamentally reform the trade policy system.
  • Pour
    POUR est un collectif citoyen qui met à votre disposition des analyses et prises de position d’experts, de philosophes, de sociologues, de juristes, d’économistes, de représentants syndicaux, de cinéastes, d’éditeurs belges et européens sur les accords de libre-échange
  • Seattle to Brussels Network
    The S2B network was formed in the aftermath of the WTO’s 1999 Seattle Ministerial to challenge the corporate-driven agenda of the European Union and other European governments for continued global trade and investment liberalisation.
  • Trade Leaks
    Greenpeace’s leaked documents underline the strong objections civil society and millions of people around the world have voiced.