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India - Australia

Japanese govt to propose big Asian free-trade zone
The Japanese government plans to propose the formation of an Asian free-trade zone which could include half the world’s population and rival the EU and NAFTA, an official of the trade ministry said.
No trade pact with India: Howard
John Howard is hoping to secure a series of breakthrough agreements covering defence, science and aviation during a four-day visit to India that will focus on forging stronger commercial ties with the emerging powerhouse.
Malaysia: FTAs with Pakistan, Australia & NZ to be completed this year
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) initiatives with Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand are expected to be completed this year, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Tuesday. She also said that FTA negotiations with the US and India would also begin this year, followed by the launch of a joint feasibility study for a possible FTA between Malaysia and Chile.
Japan to pursue free trade deals with China - paper
Japan is likely to pursue free-trade agreements with China and India as well as Australia to give it more clout in a proposed East Asian community, a leading Japanese daily reported on Tuesday.
Free trade, but not fair trade
Early results of the free trade agreements (FTAs) Thailand made with China, Australia, New Zealand and India are quite worrying for the country.
Chile seeks FTAs with 11 Asian countries
After the negotiations on a possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China, the Chilean government already started a route to conquer the rest of the market in the Asia-Pacific region. The list has 11 countries.
East Asia Summit to discuss FTA between Asian nations: SM Goh
Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said the East Asia Summit next month would discuss the possibility of a Free Trade Agreement between East Asian countries.
India mulling FTA with Australia: Kamal Nath
India is exploring the possibility of a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) with Australia, of which a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) would be a component, Kamal Nath, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, said during discussions on Tuesday with Dr. Geoff Gallop, Premier of Western Australia.
Australia hints at FTA with India
The Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, on Wednesday hinted at the possibility of India and Australia entering into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
India and Australia move closer to a free trade agreement
Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath and Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile have indicated that both the countries would beign discussions on a trade and economic framework, leading to possible free trade agreement (FTA).