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Health community’s concerns re TPP11 proposed next steps
Stronger intellectual property protection would benefit the US in return for no concessions, civil society groups tell TPP11 Ministers
Internet freedom and public interest groups concerns re TPP11 proposed next steps
Stronger intellectual property protection does not benefit the TPP11 but would benefit the US in return for no concessions by the USA, a civil society letter to ministers asserts
Colonialism’s new clothes: The EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements with Africa
Though not highly publicised, the EPA has faced continued opposition from across the ACP countries, not least because of its devastating effect on small scale farmers. A new report from GRAIN goes into the details in Africa.
Family farm groups from three countries slam NAFTA reboot based on TPP
As the formal talks to renegotiate NAFTA begin, family farm organizations from Canada, the United States and Mexico denounce the direction of the talks.
NZ: National’s TPPA11 leaves key questions unanswered
A prominent law professor has called on the New Zealand Government to release its modelling on trade deal TPP11 to allow the public and opposition parties to make informed decisions in the lead-up to the election.
Thousands of Mexicans march to scrap NAFTA, as government fights to save it
While Mexican government negotiators fought tooth and nail to save the North American Free Trade Agreement during talks in Washington, thousands of Mexican farmers and workers took to the streets demanding the deal be scrapped.
India: Hawkers will fight RCEP until the end
RCEP would destroy a whole part of the Indian economy and livelihoods, in favour of international markets.
Thousands of Mexicans hold protest against NAFTA
Mexican farmers and workers have staged a mass rally in the capital to voice their opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, with the United States and Canada.
Interview with Loon Gangte
Loon Gangte is an Indian activist living with HIV and hepatitis C, founder of the Delhi Network of Positive People.
Peoples’ Summit against FTAs and RCEP
Hundreds of people gathered in Hyderabad, India, between 22 and 26 July 2017, in opposition to the 19th round of negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
La Via Campesina march in Bilbao
Farmers of La Via Campesina demonstrated in Bilbao for food sovereignty and the defence of the planet. Voices from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Tell us who gains from RCEP: People’s Forum demands as RCEP talks end
“Tell us at least now who gains from RCEP,” People’s Forum challenges the Indian government as the 19th round of RCEP negotiations comes to an end
Harsh sentencing of Aymara leader reveals the politics of criminalization in Peru
This past month, eighteen Aymara community leaders endured the final stages of a trial that had them facing up to 28 years in prison and massive fines for their alleged roles in the 2011 ‘Aymarazo’ protests against the Santa Ana silver mine on the Peru-Bolivia border.
Zombie actors protest TPPA at Auckland trade office
A mock zombie virus outbreak was quarantined at the offices of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade in Auckland by campaigners demanding the NZ government end efforts to resurrect the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
Video: "Can’t trade with our lives and livelihood" Hyderabad says no to RCEP
A massive protest march was organised in Hyderabad on July 24 at People’s Plaza against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with the slogan "You can’t trade with our lives and livelihoods." The march is part of a week long activities of People’s convention against FTAs and RCEP.
“Stakeholder consultation a sham” – Boycott by people’s organizations
The People’s Resistance Forum against FTAs & RCEP calls the so-called “Stakeholder Consultation” on 25th July 2017 by the RCEP chief negotiators a sham – it is neither a meaningful consultation nor includes most stakeholders.
Hyderabad: NGOs hold protest against RCEP talks
NGOs from across the country protested in Hyderabad against the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership talks being held in Hyderabad.
Women up in arms against Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
At a rally held in Hyderabad, women from different parts of India marched along with other marginalised communities to protest the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
People’s groups demand a halt to RCEP talks
People’s groups from across the country converged in Hyderabad from July 22-26 to unanimously reject the RCEP.
Women farmers take out rally to oppose RCEP free trade agreement
Women from different parts of India marched along with other marginalised communities to protest the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the mega Free Trade Agreement which is currently being negotiated in India.