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FTA Watch warns government about its violation of the constitution if the DTN goes ahead with the Thai-EU FTA negotiations
FTA Watch warns that the Thai government should conduct a new comprehensive and updated impact study on the possible outcomes of an EU-Thailand FTA, in light of the Eurozone crisis, as fast as possible.
BITs and ICSID: transnational-friendly justice
It is necessary to debate these issues and raise awareness on the effects of foreign investment, on the implications of BITs and ICSID as a means of consolidating our dependency.
Understanding free trade through the KORUS FTA & the necessity of regional economic cooperation
This booklet is based on the discussions between activists and academics during strategy meetings in Seoul and in Japan about economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. It focuses on the KORUS FTA which is a model of TPPA but also deals with the alternative model.
Panama president cancels Colon land sale after clashes
Panama’s President Ricardo Martinelli says he will scrap plans to sell off state-owned land in the duty-free zone of Colon after violent protests - one week before the US-Panama FTA comes into effect.
Residents in Panama protest privatization of canal zone as US trade deal nears
next week, a trade deal with Panama will go into effect. Anti-corruption advocates have criticized Panama for providing tax havens for wealthy corporations and its policies have drawn protest from within the country. This week, residents of Colon are under a curfew after protesters hit the streets in response to the government’s plan to privatize land.
Panama protests against free-trade zone land sales
Police in the sea-port of Colon have fired tear-gas and rubber bullets to disperse angry protesters. A total of 50 were arrested during the clashes, a continuation of public outcry against the governments decision to sell land in the free-trade zone.
EU trade policy cannot ignore the Geneva conventions: the European Parliament must reject the ACAA protocol with Israel
Civil society statement calling fpr rejection of the Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products protocol attached to the European Union-Israel Association Agreement
Colombian steelworkers plan strikes against FTA with Turkey
Workers from Colombia’s Sintrametal metalworkers union are planning strikes and blockades to call on the government to refrain from signing the free trade agreement being negotiated with Turkey.
Critics decry secrecy, corporate access to Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations
Interview with Ben Beachy, research director with Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, conducted by Scott Harris
En mon nom, ne le ratifiez pas!
Signe et envoie une lettre à tes député(e)s européen(ne)s pour exprimer ton refus face à la ratification des Accords de Libre Echange et des Accords d΄Association entre l΄Union européenne et la Colombie, le Pérou et l΄Amérique centrale.
In my name, don’t ratify!
Sign and send a letter to your MEPs to reject the ratification of the Free Trade Agreements and Association Agreements between the European Union and Colombia, Perú and Central America.
18 Thai civil society groups urge EU Parliament delegation to reconsider TRIPS-plus provisions in EU-Thailand FTA
The letter warns that the TRIPS-Plus provisions in the trade agreement between EU and Thailand – including border measures, data exclusivity, patent term extensions, and protection for new indications – would block access to generic medicines.
InCACBI Statement on India-Israel Free Trade Agreement
We, a group of academics, activists and artists in India, came together in 2010 to campaign against yet another apartheid regime by extending support to the international campaign for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.
Anti-free traders to copy anti-nuke protestors in weekly Tokyo demos
The Japanese prime minister’s office — for months the scene of weekly anti-nuclear protests in Tokyo — got a new group of demonstrators on Tuesday: A group protesting Japan’s proposed participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP.
Fair trade group condemns big tobacco’s use of trade agreements to continue plain packaging fight after High Court defeat
“We welcome the High Court decision as a vindication of the Government’s right to regulate tobacco as an addictive substance that still kills 15,000 Australians per year,” Dr Patricia Ranald, Convener of the Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network, said today.
Ex-GM workers in Colombia sew lips shut in protest
The former GM workers chose the grounds next to the US Embassy to stage their hunger strike because of the labor action plan agreed to between Colombia and the US last year under the countries’ free trade agreement — which both governments, and General Motors, have igored.
Assault on Colombian trade unions continues
Two months after a free trade agreement between the US and Colombia went into effect, workers continue to face attacks.
Video documentary: Global crises, regional solutions
In this video, activists from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe argue that regional integration is the only viable response to the current economic, climate, food and energy crises.
Palestinian youth reject EU hypocrisy in upgrading relations with Israel
The Palestinian youth are tired of the EU’s hypocrisy and contemptuous policies that use aid and development programs to mask political cowardice and complicity in Israel’s crimes
EU fails to uphold international law with Israel
As organizations dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), we are strongly concerned about the EU’s lack of commitment to human rights in light of what is essentially an intensification of bilateral relations with Israel.