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Canada, China fail to reach agreement on starting trade talks
Canada and China stopped short of launching free trade negotiations, agreeing instead to extend exploratory talks toward a deal.
Canada’s indigenous and environmentalists warn against a potential trade deal with China
Canadian activists call on their government to consider First Nation and ecological interests over those of multinational corporations.
India, Canada look for breakthrough on free trade agreement
Trade ministers of India and China met in New Delhi are looking for another round of talks at the expert level before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s India visit
Crystallex International, Venezuela settle US$1.2B mine dispute
Crystallex International Corp. and Venezuela agreed to settle a US$1.2 billion dispute over the 2011 nationalization of a gold deposit in the South American nation.
Justin Trudeau set to head to China in December to open free trade talks
The belief that Canadian exporters need to have preferential access to growing Asian markets like China is considered worth the risk that launching negotiations may upset the Trump administration.
‘India-Canada foreign investment protection pact is ready to be signed’
Canadian International Trade Minister bullish on growing trade ties with New Delhi.
Canada takes softwood lumber dispute with US to NAFTA appeal panel
Canada is turning to the North American Free Trade Agreement in its bid to stop US duties on Canadian softwood lumber.
Ottawa files lawsuit in dispute over broken northern Manitoba rail line
Ottawa filed a lawsuit against the owners of a broken rail line in northern Manitoba hours after the company said it would file a complaint against the federal government under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
India, Canada may ‘trade off’ wish lists
Upcoming trade talks will see both sides discussing issues such as high pulses tariff, travel curbs.
How Canada allied with Mexico to fend off TPP pressure from Japan, Australia
From the outside, it looked like yet another bilateral meeting between Justin Trudeau and his continental ally, Enrique Pena Nieto, on the sidelines of yet another leaders’ summit.
No deal: How the TPP talks collapsed
The future of TPP has been thrown into doubt after Canada’s sudden refusal to attend the final leaders’ meeting in Danang, Vietnam, which was then cancelled.
When climate leaders protect dirty investments
Much of the problem can be traced to bilateral investment treaties and investment rules embedded within broader trade pacts.
Ukraine can become production hub of Canada
The Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement and the EU-Ukraine free trade agreement greenlight the production of goods and services on the territory of Ukraine and their deliveries both back to Canada and to the European Union.
Canada a blueprint for EU-Aust trade
Negotiators nutting out an Australia-European Union trade deal are likely to look for inspiration in the bloc’s deal with Canada.
Pacific Alliance, associate members kick off free trade negotiations
The talks aim to confirm Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore’s status of “associate members” to the Latin American trading coalition.
Canadian pork producers one step closer to exporting to EU following CETA
Focus now turns to getting EU to approve antimicrobial interventions used in Canada to enhance food safety.
France to ratify CETA next year, seeks ‘green veto’
France’s parliament is expected to ratify the CETA trade deal with Canada around the second half of 2018, French Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot told reporters. But he made it clear that this will include “climate veto” powers.
Expansion of geographical indications under CETA now in effect in Canada
Canada has implemented a number of amendments to the Canadian Trade-marks Act related to the protection of geographical indications, as a result of the trade agreement between Canada and the European Union.
Canada begins free-trade negotiations with Pacific Alliance in Colombia
Canada has begun its first round of formal negotiations to forge a free-trade agreement with the Pacific Alliance.
Le Canada se rapproche d’une entente avec l’Inde
Des pourparlers commerciaux sont en cours avec une série de pays, et une entente sur les investissements pourrait être conclue avec l’Inde d’ici « quelques mois ».