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Indigenous chapter critical to NAFTA despite current challenges: Bellegarde
An Indigenous chapter in NAFTA mustn’t be allowed to fall by the wayside, regardless of the challenges currently confronting negotiators, says Assembly of First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde.
US seeks end of Canada dairy system as latest NAFTA talks wrap
The US wrapped up the fourth round of Nafta trade talks with a bombshell proposal to dismantle Canada’s dairy sector, adding to a list of demands its trading partners say would be impossible to accept as negotiations grow more fraught.
Canada set to open Mercosur trade talks in December: sources
Canada and the South American trade bloc Mercosur will announce in December the opening of negotiations for a free-trade deal during the World Trade Organization’s annual meeting in Argentina.
Trump raises possibility of Canada-US deal in meeting with Trudeau
Trump has said he likes ’bilateral deals,’ but Trudeau still focused on agreement including Mexico.
The environment in Canadian trade agreements
Since NAFTA, Canada and the US have included the largest number, worldwide, of environmental clauses in their trade agreements.
Six inconvenient truths about NAFTA renegotiations
This article is part of a series about what the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement means for the knowledge economy in Canada and for the people who turn ideas into innovations within one of the world’s largest free trade zones.
EU and Canada settle cattle battle at the WTO
The settlement of the dispute at the WTO, which began in 1996, was facilitated by a liberalization of trade under the EU/Canada Comprehensive Economic and Free Trade Agreement (CETA).
Opportunities and benefits of CETA for Canada’s oil and gas exporters
How will CETA benefit Canadian oil and gas product exporters?
Canada urged to do more to protect data from US during NAFTA talks
At issue is so-called “data localization,” which would allow the government to protect the sensitive personal information of Canadians from unwanted American intrusion, by storing it in Canada.
Riigikogu ratifies EU-Canadian free trade agreement
The Parliament of Estonia ratified the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
Investment treaties and the internal vetting of regulatory proposals: A case study from Canada
Does the prospect of foreign investor claims against countries in investor­–state dispute settlement (ISDS) lead to regulatory chill?
Canada pushes inclusion of strong, progressive labour standards in NAFTA
Canada is pushing for the inclusion of enforceable, progressive labour standards in a rewritten North American Free Trade Agreement.
Canada pushes back against US copyright demands in NAFTA
The United States is using the TPP as a template for the draft IP chapter that it is presenting to its negotiating partners in this round. Canada, however, isn’t down with that.
More producers and feedlot operators needed for CETA
The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association says they are looking for producers and feedlot operators to sign up for their beef to be eligible in the E.U. market.
Resurrected TPP could get done this year and Canada is better off without US in it
Canada is now the second-largest economy in the TPP11 and will push to ditch provisions in the original agreement that were offered as concessions to the US.
CETA’s bitter taste for European food and agriculture
CETA stealthily packages several controversial elements that leave a bitter taste for European food and agriculture.
Canada to model post-Brexit Britain trade on CETA
Canada agreed to use its new free trade agreement with Europe as a template for a pact with Britain after its largest trading partner within the European Union leaves the bloc.
Ingersol plant a crown jewel for GM, but deal with Unifor challenging amid NAFTA talks
“This is one of the most productive plants in the world, and it’s losing out because they pay their workers $2 an hour in Mexico. It’s ridiculous,” Unifor president Jerry Dias said.
Theresa May heads to Canada to seek trade deal
British prime minister set to hold talks on ‘cementing a strong trade’ partnership with Canada post Brexit.
Canada open to adding softwood lumber deal to NAFTA
Canada is prepared to pursue a permanent settlement in softwood lumber within the North American Free Trade Agreement if the U.S. lumber industry keeps blocking a deal.