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Free trade fantasies: Canada must reject both NAFTA and TPP
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has boasted of his commitment to progressive economic, environmental and social policies. At the same time, has been a passionate warrior in his pursuit and defence of so-called ‘free trade’ agreements.
CETA, regulatory cooperation and food safety
Agricultural and food standards are among those targeted by CETA’s focus on eliminating so-called ‘non-tariff barriers’.
Canada begins court fight to overturn NAFTA ruling on Digby quarry
Ruling found that New Jersey company was wrongly prevented from opening quarry and terminal.
Can Modi free India’s trade policy from ’swadeshi’ shackles?
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, India is likely to meet a lot of offers for free trade and investment deals. With US, France and Canada leaders meeting their Indian counterpart in coming few months, it is likely that India may enter into a free trade agreement with them. Though, it will be interesting to know how Prime Minister Modi go ahead with these offers.
Unifor stands firmly in opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership
The TPP failed to meaningfully address the negative consequences of greater trade and investment liberalization, including rising inequality, environmental sustainability, job displacement and lower work standards.
Japan says trans-Pacific trade pact, without US, to be signed in March
Eleven countries aiming to forge a new Asia-Pacific trade pact after the United States pulled out of an earlier version will hold a signing ceremony in Chile in March.
Canada initiates NAFTA mechanism against US import duties
Canada filed a request for panel review within the framework of the North American Free Trade Agreement over the U.S. decision to impose duties on imports of Bombardier jet airliners
Trade officials pursue TPP in Tokyo as Canada wavers
Trade officials gathered in Japan for two days of talks to try to forge a trade pact that U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned last year, but the new 11-member club risks getting bogged down by resistance from Canada.
Canadian parliamentary delegation concludes successful mission to Taiwan
Taiwanese President is asking that Canada advocates for Taiwan’s inclusion in the second round of the TPP meetings and to begin negotiations on a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement deal with Canada.
March deadline for Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, Malcolm Turnbull says
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is prepared to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal with or without Canada and Mexico
Canada is the great unknown as TPP 11 talks near goal
Cultural and auto issues remain obstacles to reviving Pacific trade pact.
NAFTA’s Chapter 11 dispute mechanism too costly for Canada at $314M, says report
Canada is currently facing eight active investor-state claims that combined seek more than $475 million in damages.
TPP seen critical for beef sales growth in Japan
The beef export from Canada to Japan and other parts of Asia has increased significantly. But, if Canada chooses to opt out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Canadian beef producers could lose millions of dollars.
Europe reaps Canada’s wheat belt
A new trade agreement between the EU and Canada is expected to increase bilateral trade by USD 14 billion.
People and the planet before profit!
Montréal rally on NAFTA on January 27, 2018 at 12pm.
Indonesia to start trade talks to boost exports
Indonesia seeks to initiate negotiations on trade agreements under both bilateral and regional schemes this year to help jack up the country’s exports.
A role for Indigenous peoples in Canada’s trade talks
International trade has long had an impact on the livelihoods of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Intellectual property rights in trade – to be rethought?
After two decades of intellectual property regimes in trade agreements, one could have some second thoughts.
Chinese trade deal would take Canada to the cleaners
Engagement with China on Canadian terms is a fool’s errand.
Bear Creek wins C$30.4m award in international arbitration against Peru
The arbitrators agreed with the company that Peru had breached its obligations to the company under the Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement when it expropriated the company’s Santa Ana silver project, in 2011.