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An example of regulatory chill
The case of Ethyl v. Canada.
Mercosur, Canada begin free-trade talks
The foreign ministers slated the first round of talks for the Mercosur-Canada FTA from March 20 to 23 in Ottawa, Canada.
Canada chasing trade deal with South American block after signing new TPP
A spokesman for International Trade Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne says the negotiations could begin in earnest in the next 10 days.
Canada didn’t violate trade agreement in B.C. pulp mill case, NAFTA tribunal rules
A NAFTA tribunal rejects $250-million claim by Mercer International Inc. against the Canadian government.
Case studies demonstrate EU member state protections threatened by CETA
Regulating in the public interest at risk if Member States ratify Canada-EU trade deal
Careful what you wish for: China is “quietly reshaping the world”
Canadian business wants a notch in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In Asia, as in Canada, there are domestic and foreign policy risks to consider
Eyes on the ’prize’: Canada hosting South American bloc in hopes of accessing free trade with Brazil, Argentina
This next step in the Liberal government’s trade diversification strategy will come a day after Canada formally signs the 11-country Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership in Chile
Trade and climate: How the EU can protect the Paris Agreement
It is possible to effectively integrate the Paris Agreement into new trade deals, including CETA and the upcoming JEFTA with Japan.
Justin Trudeau’s visit reflects uneasy state of Indo-Canada trade ties
India’s decision to raise duties on pulses from Canada, elusive progress on bilateral investment treaty and free trade pact major hurdles in improving trade relations.
Canadian corporation uses NAFTA to threaten proposed protection for Puget Sound
The proposed policy follows the escape of over 200,000 Atlantic salmon from the company’s fish farms, sparking outcry from Indigenous groups, environmentalists, and fishing communities.
Cooke Aquaculture Pacific urges lawmakers to consider jobs, science-based policy, fair and equitable treatment
Will seek NAFTA arbitration if ban on Atlantic salmon farming is approved.
Trudeau pushes controversial investor-state dispute settlement provision on trip to India
Negotiations on a Canada-India FIPPA were launched in September 2004 and concluded in 2007, but the deal was never signed.
Canada set to open free trade talks with South American bloc
Officials hope to begin Mercosur talks March 9, the day after signing revised TPP.
Canadian PM Trudeau set to woo Punjab industry
Eager to please the Sikh community in Canada which is increasingly gaining political weight in the country, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is all set to woo the Punjab industry during his India visit later this week.
NAFTA talks have made limited progress, Canada’s chief negotiator says, because they’re moving too fast
Substantial differences remain on autos, a sunset clause, an investor-dispute resolution mechanism and US demands for dairy industry access
A detailed look at the new, decidedly not-so-progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership
Despite its Orwellian title, the CPTPP could also spell the demise of the Trudeau government’s much-hyped progressive trade agenda.
Auto industry skeptical of Canadian TPP side deal on vehicles with Japan
Auto workers and manufacturers are rejecting assertions by Canada’s trade minister that the country won major access for them into the highly protected Japanese market in the recently rebooted Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Pacific Alliance, associate members advance trade talks, eye new economic opportunities
The talks brought together officials from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore with the Pacific Alliance coalition made up of four Latin American countries – Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
Belt and Road and the battle for global investment standards
A new battle is taking shape on the world scene. It sees China and the West compete in affirming their respective investment standards around the globe.
NAFTA will undermine health unless Canada resists monopolies on medicines
Time and again, Canadians reaffirm their belief in the basic principle of equitable access to health care for all. But the spirit of this very Canadian principle remains in peril as NAFTA negotiations forge ahead.