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Challenging the far right’s nationalist opposition to free trade deals
Extreme right-wing, anti-immigration and Islamophobic parties tend to oppose so-called "free trade" agreements.
Inclusion of Paris Agreement in CETA at risk
France wants to make compliance with the Paris Agreement on climate a precondition to signing European trade agreements. However, this is an issue where France is struggling to get the other 27 EU members to agree.
Canada ’caved’ on intellectual property provisions in USMCA trade deal, experts say
Experts are fuming, saying USMCA will hamper Canada’s innovation economy and hike costs to the health care system over patented drugs.
Trade pact clause seen deterring China trade deal with Canada, Mexico
China’s hopes of negotiating a free trade pact with Canada or Mexico were dealt a sharp setback by a provision deep in the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement that aims to forbid such deals with “non-market” countries.
Canada, US have reached a NAFTA deal - now called the USMCA
Canada and the U.S. have announced a tentative new trilateral trade deal with Mexico that includes some key concessions on issues of import to both countries — and also a reworked name: the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
How Trump split Mexico and Canada in NAFTA talks
The Mexican president-elect agreed to the US president’s request for a bilateral agreement while Canadian officials believe Mexico gave up too much in the deal.
Mexico ready to proceed with bilateral US-trade deal; Canada may join: negotiator
Mexico is prepared to advance a bilateral trade agreement with the United States that Canada could join within the next few weeks, a top Mexican NAFTA negotiator said.
’New’ CETA tribunals - old undemocratic system
Our analysis of the leaked draft code of conduct of CETA tribunals reveals that the same people known as ISDS arbitrators and counsellors will now take over CETA tribunals.
NAFTA deal not yet in sight, Canada stands firm on auto tariffs
Canada and the United States showed scant sign of closing a deal to revamp NAFTA, and Canadian officials made clear Washington needed to withdraw a threat of possible autos tariffs
Canada-EU trade, one year on: Canada’s imports are rising faster than exports
The fastest-growing exports include inorganic chemicals, mineral fuels and oil (including crude oil) and pharmaceuticals.
Why Canada should get out of NAFTA – while it still can
Instead of NAFTA, we need a trade policy that is multi-lateral and mutually-beneficial with countries around the world.
It’s crunch week (again) for Nafta with US and Canada at odds
Deal likely needed Thursday for Sept. 30 trilateral deadline. Dispute panels, culture and dairy said to be sticking points.
New boots-on-the-ground trade association to boost ties between Canada, EU
The Canada EU Trade Investment Association is a cross-sector industry group out to promote dealmaking.
Mexico prepared to do a trade deal without Canada, official tweets
Mexico is prepared to move ahead with an updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement that does not include Canada if Ottawa and Washington cannot resolve their differences.
Canada ready to allow US dairy access in NAFTA talks: sources
Canada is ready to offer the United States limited access to the Canadian dairy market as a concession in negotiations to rework the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Freeland to head back to Washington Tuesday for high-level NAFTA negotiations
The two sides have so far been unable to break an impasse over, among other issues, US access to the Canadian dairy market, a cultural exemption for Canada and the Chapter 19 dispute resolution mechanism.
NAFTA end game: the predictable and perilous trade-offs facing Canada
Canada has been under intense pressure to make irreversible concessions affecting a broad range of issues.
Dairy farmers protest as NAFTA talks continue
Some 300 farmers from across Canada took to the streets of Montreal to demand the Trudeau government make good on its promise to defend supply management.
Canada won’t compromise on culture, dispute resolution in NAFTA talks: Trudeau
Trudeau said Canadians will not sign onto a deal that does not include a dispute resolution mechanism and exemptions for cultural industries.
US to move ahead with Mexico trade pact, keep talking to Canada
US-Canada trade talks ended with no deal to revamp NAFTA, and President Donald Trump notified Congress of his intent to sign a bilateral trade pact with Mexico.