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How the lobbies used the threat of ISDS to neuter the Hulot Act
The documents highlight for the first time the pressure placed on the French parliament by a foreign company’s threat to use the ISDS mechanism.
Trump’s NAFTA deal threatens our air, water, and climate
More outsourcing of pollution and jobs, handouts to corporate polluters, and climate denial
From Quito: Pablo Fajardo & Donald Moncayo
Pablo Fajardo, the lead lawyer for the communities who have been fighting for 25 years for compensation for the severe pollution in the amazon region, and Donald Moncayo, one of the coordinators of the organization that has led this campaign talk about the Chevron case.
Liz Truss slams regulations in speech to US think tank backing environmental roll-back after Brexit
Treasury minister was speaking on the same day the Cato Institute called for softer environmental rules and NHS competition.
Costa Rica wins case against investors’ beach front property
ICSID tribunal rules Costa Rica was in its right to stop a tourist construction project on the Pacific coast that violated environmental laws.
The EU-Japan free trade deal: a threat to the fight against illegal timber?
The deal’s impact on efforts to halt illegal logging and the tradein illegal timber remains an area of deep concern.
Rethinking international investment governance: Principles for the 21st century
The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment is hosting a two-day conference on rethinking international investment governance, which seeks to elaborate principles for a progressive investment agenda.
Ecuador: Chevron’s victims vow to fight Hague court ruling
Victims of Chevron-Texaco’s pollution of the Ecuadorean Amazon have vowed to fight to protect the ruling which has granted them compensation.
The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague rules against Ecuador, favors Chevron
Ecuador will be forced to pay economic reparations to the oil giant. The over 30,000 affected people in the Amazon haven’t received any compensation.
Letter of solidarity with the victims of Chevron
The signatories of this letter wish to express their rejection of this decision and their support for the people of Ecuador and the organizations that have defended the communities affected by Chevron Texaco.
Eurogroup for Animals launches a study on biodiversity provisions in EU FTAs
Trade and Sustainable Development provisions in EU FTAs remain aspirational and there is no clear trend of improvement.
Tourist trap: Is tourism’s explosive growth hurting countries?
Foreign investors in tourism have a long and successful history of using investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) under investment treaties.
Why the US and EU trade models are both bad for people and the planet
If the US and the EU follow through with their commitments, the new trade relationship would mean more fracking in the US and an attack on European standards for genetically modified organisms, chemicals and other sensitive issues.
RCEP: India must uphold peoples’ rights and welfare
Joining the RCEP would definitely have economic, social and environmental costs for India. Threats to the livelihoods of millions of farmers and workers due to cheaper imports are real and present danger.
Sustainable trade? Testing the EU-Indonesia free trade agreement
The agreement scores only 4.5 out of 20 points on a sustainability check of the draft texts - a clear fail.
China Belt and Road scheme brings warnings from scientists and environmentalists
Scientists and environmentalists are warning that China’s vast “Silk Road” global infrastructure initiative could cause permanent environmental damage unless it’s carefully handled.
Mercosur: Don’t sacrifice our food standards and tropical forests for trade
The trade agreement currently being negotiated by the EU and Mercosur will increase deforestation and accelerate the demise of European farmers by subjecting them to unfair competition.
A globalisation for people, not business
Globalisation is in crisis because of its almost totalitarian outreach to all areas of everyday life. People feel a loss of control, because their way of life is perceived as subject to trade requests solely for the benefit of globally acting firms.
Legitimising an unsustainable approach to trade
Simply throwing labour (or the environment, or sustainable development) objectives into the FTA mix adds a facade of legitimacy to the process of “deep integration” of neoliberal economic polices which are inherently antagonistic to these objectives.
NAFTA talks have ignored environmental concerns
NAFTA 2.0 could increase pollution that threatens our communities.