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investment | BITs

Investment protection proposals under RCEP threaten India’s pharma industry
Free trade agreements like the RCEP will infringe on India’s intellectual property laws. India must stand its ground in the interest of public health.
Why free trade is bad for you (or most of you at any rate)
Free trade is simply a euphemism for the corporate capture of international trade.
Building a mirage: The effectiveness of tax carve-out provisions in international investment agreements
The broad language in investment agreements has allowed investor-state dispute settlement tribunals to scrutinize tax measures adopted by States, and determine that such measures resulted in a breach of State’s obligations under the agreement.
Myanmar parliament approves Asean-Hong Kong investment agreement
Myanmar’s Union Parliament approved an agreement on investment between the ASEAN and China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR).
Angola: Prime Minister of São - Tomé wants strategic partnership
The Prime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipe wants a new era of cooperation with Angola, building on the investment protection agreement that was signed in 1995.
Why East Africa needs new funding sources
Seatini said East African countries should find alternative ways to finance development projects rather than depend on public-private partnerships and bilateral investment treaties, which have cost the region dearly.
India, Argentina for expediting signing of BIT, DTAA to boost investments
India and Argentina agreed to expedite signing of the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) and the double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) between the countries to promote economic ties.
MPs endorse Rwanda-Qatar investment treaty
Rwandan Members of Parliament kicked off their ordinary sessions by approving a bilateral investment treaty between Rwanda and Qatar.
Support the joint letter on the future of ISDS – EU-Singapore IPA vote
Civil society organisations urge Member of the European Parliament to not ratify EU - Singapore Investment Protection Agreement
Chinese envoy calls for more flexible approach in investment treaty talks with EU
China and the European Union could take a more flexible approach by setting phase-based targets in bilateral investment treaty negotiations.
Clive Palmer threatens to sue Australian taxpayers for $45b as he re-routes business through NZ
Clive Palmer has channelled his corporate empire through New Zealand and threatened to use free trade rules to sue Australian taxpayers for $45 billion as part of a dispute with a Chinese mining company.
Nigeria, Canada move to revive stalled bilateral agreement
A foreign innvestment promotion and protection agreement was signed by Nigeria and Canada in May 2014, which Canada ratified in 2014. But Nigeria decided not to ratify the agreement because it was later found unbalanced.
Most EU countries to terminate intra-bloc bilateral investment treaties
22 of the 28 EU nations have committed to terminate their bilateral investment treaties and use their influence as home states and respondent-states to notify tribunals of the non-arbitrability of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties and Energy Charter Treaty claims.
Corporate social responsibility clauses in investment treaties
Corporate social responsibility provisions do not change the corporate or ethical duties of companies into enforceable legal obligations in the context of dispute settlement proceedings but they could help significantly moralize the use of treaty-based arbitration.
Szijjártó meets with Belarusian counterpart in Minsk
Hungary and Belarus signed an investment protection agreement.
Belarus - India BIT (2018)
As released by the Goverrnment of India
EU’s investment court may be bump in China’s Belt and Road plan
The EU has proposed to reform the investor-state-dispute-settlement system, a move that could further complicate negotiations with China over a bilateral investment agreement, as well as their dialogue on the Belt and Road Initiative’s implementation in Europe.
Taiwan, India sign updated bilateral investment pact
Taiwan and India signed a revised bilateral investment agreement
Today we work to build something else than free trade, says Javier Echaide of Attac Argentina
Interview with Javier Echaide, lawyer and member of Attac Argentina
Trade agreements and the land: Investment agreements and their potential impacts on land governance
While promising economic growth, large-scale land investment deals have caused increased inequality, widespread displacement of people, and destruction of natural resources.