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Some European countries call for endorsing Association Agreement with Syria
A source of the Higher Committee Specialized in Following up Issues of Partnership Association between Syria and EU has said that the EU has started to issue positive signals regarding agreement with Syria, particularly that some EU countries consider that there is no excuse for delaying signing the agreement after two years of initialing it.
EU eyeing free trade deals in Asia: Mandelson
The European Union is exploring the prospect of free trade deals with Asian nations once the current round of world trade talks is over, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said on Tuesday.
Economic Partnership Agreement talks look at labor mobility to Europe
Negotiations for possible movement of labour from the Pacific to Europe is part of discussions under the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) currently underway.
Pacific ACP countries propose new agreement With EU
Pacific countries that are members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group have proposed an all embracing trade agreement with the European Union (EU) under the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) that will come into force in 2008.
Free trade pact with EU near
The Gulf Cooperation Council and the European Union are close to sealing a free trade agreement after outstanding issues, including EU tariffs on exports of aluminium and petrochemicals, were resolved last week, a UAE ministry official said yesterday.
FTA with GCC within reach - EU
A free trade agreement (FTA) between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the European Union is within reach, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson told Arab News in a telephone interview from EU headquarters in Brussels.
Farmers plan to protest EPA talks
Farmers from the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean states have expressed interest in holding some form of action similar to that at the launch of the Economic Partnership Agreement in St. Lucia last September.
Decision on Asean-EU free trade pact in August
The European Union (EU) and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) are still studying the possibility of having free trade agreements (FTAs) either on a regional basis or bilaterally with individual countries, says European Commission ambassador and head of delegation Thierry Rommel.
EU says customs agreement with C. America prerequisite for free trade deal
A customs agreement with Central America should precede talks on the proposed free trade deal, said the European Union’s representative to Central America on Friday.
EU, Mediterranean ministers to meet in Morocco on free trade
Trade ministers from the European Union and Mediterranean nations will meet late this month in Morocco to discuss an EU-Mediterranean free trade area, the Moroccan Foreign Trade Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.
EU widens door for Jordanian farm exports
The Kingdom and the European Union (EU) launched an agricultural trade agreement on Tuesday to increase the Kingdom’s agricultural exports to European markets.
Syria, EU hold talks on partnership association pact
Syria and the European Union on Tuesday held talks on means to facilitate the final approval of an association agreement initialled more than a year ago.
Mandelson calls for a new EU/Mercosur round of talks
The European Union Trade Commissar Peter Mandelson said he was disappointed with the EU and Mercosur’s incapacity to reach a free trade agreement but nevertheless extended an invitation for another round of talks.
SA wary of calls to broaden EU trade pact
SA’s chief trade negotiator, Xavier Carim, said yesterday that it was premature for the European Union (EU) to call for a large-scale expansion of the free trade agreement between the 25-nation bloc and SA.
EU eyes free trade zone in Balkans
The European Commission has proposed replacing the existing web of bilateral trade agreements in the Balkans with a regional free trade agreement — a move it says would boost economic prospects. However, the idea has met with opposition in Croatia.
EPAs remain roadmap for Africa’s development - EU
The European Union is still insisting that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) whose implementation it is currently negotiating with four sub-regional groupings in Sub-Saharan Africa remain the only option for Africa’s development.
EU, Central America to decide on talks
The European Union and Central American officials will decide whether to launch free trade talks in May, officials said Monday.
Aid issue hinders progress in Africa, EU trade talks
According to officials, dispute over whether Europe should provide aid to help African states prepare for increased competition ahead of a new trade regime, is hindering progress in talks between the two blocs.
Cartoons threat to EU trade talks
Free trade negotiations between the EU and GCC face being disrupted by the ongoing controversy surrounding cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), according to a Saudi official involved in the talks.
Mexico-EU: Not everyone happy with results of free trade treaty
Five and a half years after the implementation of the Mexico-European Union free trade agreement, the first such accord between Europe and a country in Latin America, the partners tout its success, while social activists complain that it has failed to deliver on its promises.