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EU commissioner says Brexit negotiation must precede trade talks
Cecilia Malmström says business between the UK and EU should be conducted under WTO rules before trade deal is signed
Why TTIP will live on – but not in the EU
The controversial trade agreement between the EU and United States could well fall apart, only for the UK to pick up the pieces for its own trade deal.
Life after Brexit: What happens to Canada’s trade deal with Europe?
Canada negotiated CETA with the European Union based on the U.K. being in, not out, so now what?
‘Brexit offers a vital lesson for Asean’
Brexit shows where the European Union has gone wrong: because it failed to improve economic benefits for all.
S Korea to review free trade accord with EU
The South Korean government said that it will review the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with the European Union (EU) following Britain’s exit from the bloc.
European Union and Japan give green light for trade deal
In talks at the G7 summit in Japan, leaders agreed to instruct negotiators to work to an accelerated timetable which could see the EU-Japan deal concluded as early as this autumn and come into effect next year.
TTIP: le gouvernement britannique ignore ses propres avertissements
Les futurs tribunaux spéciaux qui régleront les litiges provoqués par le Traité transatlantique controversé TTIP présentent plus de risques que d’avantages pour les gouvernements européens.
TTIP: UK Government found trade deal had ’lots of risk and no benefit’ in its only assessment
This stark warning against TTIP was disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request by anti-TTIP campaigners
Farming risks being used as bargaining chip in EU trade deals
Concern is mounting that agriculture could be used as a bargaining chip in two large free-trade deals currently being negotiated by the EU.
TTIP means no way back for UK steel industry
The projected impacts of EU-US trade deal the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on the UK metals sector means there is no way the government will be able to save the steel industry
I am an artist and I want to stop TTIP
Artists Against TTIP wants to work with actors, writers and directors to make films that help more and more people understand what TTIP is - and how toxic it is to our health, our environment and our democracy.
This secret UK-Eurotunnel tribunal reveals something disturbing about refugees and TTIP
Other infamous examples of ISDS include Philip Morris, the tobacco giant, suing the Australian government for introducing plain cigarette packaging
Anger as government blocks TTIP legal documents relating to health service
Business secretary refuses to disclose advice that could show how private health firms might sue government under US-Europe trade deal.
Here is how TTIP threatens small businesses in the UK
As 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year I am firmly against TTIP and the strain it will place on home grown business owners.
UK businesses say “no” to EU-US trade deal
Leading UK business owners launched Business Against TTIP - a business-led initiative and response to the serious dangers posed to UK businesses by a new EU-US trade deal.
Why we should all be worried about our BITs – or at least what foreign investors are doing with them
Britain’s role, not just with TTIP, seems to be that of facilitating and encouraging excessive corporate power over governments all around the world.
Death on a plate: TTIP, meat inspections and your food
’Death on a plate: TTIP, meat inspections and your food’ features the testimony of a mother whose daughter died from eating contaminated meat and comments by a government meat inspector and others in the food industry.
India should press for separate FTA with UK as deal with EU remains in limbo: Assocham
As negotiations for a Broad-Based Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement with the European Union is heading nowhere, India should press for a separate Free Trade Agreement with Britain
U.S. trade czar says Britain would lose on trade outside the EU
The United States is not keen on pursuing a separate free trade deal with Britain if it leaves the European Union
UK Court refers Western Sahara imports case to EU Court
In refering the case on the questionable legality of UK imports from Western Saharan products to the European Court of Justice, the UK Judge stated that "there is an arguable case of a manifest error by the [European] Commission in understanding and applying international law relevant to these agreements.”