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Red meat quotas a likely sticking point when NZ-EU FTA talks get underway
Agricultural exports into Europe look set to be a hurdle facing New Zealand diplomats when negotiations for free trade agreements with the European Union and Great Britain get started.
Georgia-UK launch free-trade agreement consultations
The Georgian Economy Minister Dimitry Kumsishvili announced that technical consultations on the free trade agreement with Britain will start by the end of 2018.
Australia’s ’hormone beef’ not to Brexit Britain’s taste: report
One of Australia’s supposed key demands for a free trade deal with the UK – their agreeing to buy our hormone-treated beef – is “almost impossible” for the UK to agree to, according to a new report by an anti-Brexit think tank.
Chicken safety fear as chlorine washing fails bacteria tests
British microbiologists find that American technique at heart of Brexit trade row does not kill listeria and salmonella
UK foreign secretary seeks trade agreements in Chile, Latin America
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson concluded a five-day charm offensive in Latin America by expressing interest in a trade agreement with Chile and other countries in Latin America’s so-called Pacific Alliance.
US-UK FTA could ’destroy large parts of British farming’, report warns
A new study has highlighted major concerns surrounding a potential UK and US free trade deal, saying it could "destroy large parts of British farming".
Trump threatens to use US trade talks to force NHS to pay more for drugs
Donald Trump is ready to use trade talks to force the National Health Service to pay more for its drugs as part of his scheme to "put American patients first”.
International Trade Committee launches probe into UK investment policy as Brexit approaches
The International Trade Committee launches an inquiry concerning the UK’s investment policy, which will examine the Government’s performance in promoting and facilitating inward and outward investment and its approach, upon UK exit from the EU, to negotiating agreements that liberalise and protect foreign investment.
Brexit: Are countries really ’queuing up for trade deals’ with Britain?
Brexiteers have claimed that other countries are “queuing up” to strike trade agreements with Britain after it leaves the bloc. In reality, though, the situation is more complicated.
Charging into UK-US trade pact would be ‘catastrophic error’, warn MPs
The UK would be making a “catastrophic error” if it charged into talks on a post-Brexit trade deal with the United States without setting out a ‘comprehensive strategy’ for life after the EU, MPs warned in a new report .
Island will be able to do its own trade deals
Jersey will soon be able to negotiate its own trade deals after finally being given permission by the UK – three years after the request was first made.
Scots call for halt to EU’s Mercosur trade talks
Scottish farm leaders have urged the European Commission to postpone its “reckless” trade negotiations with the Mercosur block of South American countries because of fears over the damage it could inflict on the beef sector.
Taxpayers face Sh500bn loss in case against Canadian firm
The government risks losing up to Sh500 billion in an international arbitration case against mining firm, Cortec, after it failed to provide Sh100 million in the second mini-budget to pay a UK-based law firm representing it in the case.
Australian meeting clears way for UK trade deal after Brexit
British officials will fly to Canberra for a “working group” on the free trade agreement, amid hopes on both sides that a deal will commence as soon as Britain leaves the European Union at the end of 2020.
EU, Britain to start trade talks next week
Britain and the European Union will start talks next week on their future trade relationship after Brexit, diplomats said.
Costly medicines and pus in milk: a Brexit trade deal that’ll make you sick
The US trade barriers list shows that Liam Fox could let more than just chlorinated chicken into the UK. The public deserve to know the details
EU wants legal assurance Britain won’t lower environmental standards after Brexit
The European Union wants Britain to promise not to lower its environmental protection standards after it leaves the EU, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said.
Why Trump’s ’predatory’ plan to exploit Brexit makes a US-UK trade deal almost impossible
The Trump administration will seek to exploit the UK’s weakness after Brexit, making a quick and beneficial trade deal almost impossible for Theresa May to achieve.
Call for Australian trade agreement with Britain as Brexit begins
As the date for Brexit looms, trade minister Steven Ciobo is in London for talks on strengthening free trade ties with Britain.
EU Council ready to negotiate UK FTA
The European Council has said that it is ready to initiate work toward a free trade agreement with the UK, but warned that Brexit will lead to "frictions in trade."