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Fiji and PNG talk post Brexit trade
Fiji and Papua New Guinea have held talks with Britain to ensure trade isn’t disrupted post Brexit.
TPP on table for UK after Brexit, trade chief Fox says
Britain plans to pursue free trade pacts during transition period
UK faces ‘cliff edge’ over EU trade pacts, warn MPs
Rolling over EU trade agreements with third countries after Brexit must be treated as “an urgent priority” if the UK is to avoid a trade ‘cliff edge’, UK MPs have warned.
UK defies EU over Indonesian palm oil trade, leaked papers show
UK is pushing for a deal that would boost imports linked to deforestation despite EU moves to ban unsustainable palm oil, diplomatic papers reveal.
Asia-Pacific trade deal signed by 11 nations
Eleven Asia-Pacific countries have signed the trade pact formerly known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Banks line up behind British government in EU trade battle
Banks and insurers lined up to back the British government’s demand that a future trade deal with the European Union must include financial services, putting them on a collision course with Brussels.
France rules out UK bid to include banks in EU trade deal
French Economy Minister rejects financial services to be part of a free-trade deal with the European Union after Brexit.
UK vies for post-Brexit Asia trade as EU lines up FTAs
Indonesia set to be crucial battleground for negotiations
Red tape in the meat industry? It’s the difference between life and death
Without regulations that scrutinise food standards and trade deals, we cannot trust the safety of the food on our plates.
’Dirty meat’: Shocking hygiene failings discovered in US pig and chicken plants
Previously unseen government records detail ‘deeply worrying’ incidents in pork and poultry plants, raising fears of ‘dirty meat’ entering the UK under a post-Brexit trade deal.
A hard-Brexit think tank accidentally published its plans for US-UK ‘shadow trade talks’
The Initiative for Free Trade - which is supported by trade secretary Liam Fox - has now deleted the plans from its website.
Resist a US trade deal. Your life may depend on it
We cannot trust our government to fight America’s disgusting farming practices. Unless we mobilise, US livestock pumped full of antibiotics will harm us all.
With Brexit in the horizon, Cambodia hopes for UK trade deal
Cambodia is seeking a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom, in a move to ensure that bilateral trade remains robust once the UK officially leaves the EU.
Comprehensive free trade deal is preferred option to avoid ’hard border’
December’s deal to avoid a hard border stands and the preferred option to secure that is through a comprehensive free trade deal, the Prime Minister has said.
Global mining firms sue Kenya for Sh334bn compensation
Global mining firms want Kenya compelled to pay Sh334 billion as compensation for cancelling their licences.
Theresa May stokes fears NHS ’for sale’ in post-Brexit US trade deal after refusing to rule it out of Trump talks
No-one knows what US will set as ’their requirements for that free trade agreement’, Prime Minister tells MPs.
UK PM May says she wants free trade deal with China
Britain is seeking a free trade agreement with China, Prime Minister Theresa May said, as she flew to the country for talks with Chinese leaders, adding that more should be done immediately to open up market access for British firms.
UK ’front of the line’ for free-trade deal, says US treasury secretary
Steven Mnuchin said the US was "very supportive of the UK over the Brexit issue" and wanted to see a successful transition.
Brazil and Mercosur negotiate possible trade accord with UK
Due to Brexit, the UK will be excluded from the trade agreement between Mercosur and the EU, and will need to negotiate a separate agreement.
Bacon with banned additive among risks of US-UK trade deal
Soil Association issues top 10 food safety concerns posed by a transatlantic free-trade deal.