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Chicken safety fear as chlorine washing fails bacteria tests
British microbiologists find that American technique at heart of Brexit trade row does not kill listeria and salmonella
South Korean car exports to US falling despite KORUS FTA
The Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET) said in its report that the KORUS FTA is rapidly losing its positive effects in terms of South Korea’s car exports to the United States.
Japan’s critical leadership role on free and fair trade
Japan should play its leadership role strategically in international trade, and when the United States comes back to the TPP, both Japan and the United States should help realize the FTAAP vision.
TPP’s regulatory capitalism and China’s Belt and Road challenges
The revived TPP 11 operates as a significant alternative to China’s approach, embodied in the Belt and Road Initiative.
Trump threatens allies with new tariffs, sowing global confusion
Some industry observers saw this latest move as a US tactic to pressure Mexico and Canada to move quickly to agree to an overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Mongolia, US agree to hold trade and investment framework agreement meeting
The second consultative meeting of Mongolia-US Economic Policy Dialogue in Washington, DC to discuss views on wide range of issues on bilateral economic ties.
Miner planning US$300mn Guatemala arbitration
Exmingua is planning to launch arbitration proceedings against Guatemala following the suspension of its Tambor gold project.
Mercosur and Japan scheduled to begin trade talks next November in Argentina
Mercosur trade bloc looks to begin economic and trade talks with Japan as soon as November, Brazil’s foreign minister said, calling trade with Asia essential to regional economic health as the US embraces protectionism.
US-China talk about beef
Following a 2003 ban on US beef due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease, China has allowed boneless US beef from cattle under 30 months back in since last June.
Mnuchin says NAFTA negotiations could spill into 2019
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says efforts to renegotiate a trade agreement with Canada and Mexico could spill into next year.
Japan’s lower house passes TPP trade deal
Japan’s lower house on Friday passed a bill to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact, paving the way for its enactment before the current Diet session ends in June.
NAFTA talks have ignored environmental concerns
NAFTA 2.0 could increase pollution that threatens our communities.
EU heads discuss bold-or-fold strategy toward Trump tariffs
European leaders sought unity toward threatened US import tariffs on steel and aluminium, balancing the views of those most fearful of a trade war and those determined not to be bullied into concessions.
US-UK FTA could ’destroy large parts of British farming’, report warns
A new study has highlighted major concerns surrounding a potential UK and US free trade deal, saying it could "destroy large parts of British farming".
Trump threatens to use US trade talks to force NHS to pay more for drugs
Donald Trump is ready to use trade talks to force the National Health Service to pay more for its drugs as part of his scheme to "put American patients first”.
US, Japan to ’move rapidly’ on trade deal - Hagerty
The United States and Japan will “move rapidly” to get a trade deal under a new framework aimed at intensifying bilateral trade consultations, US ambassador William Hagerty said, keeping pressure on Tokyo to open up protected markets like agriculture.
Reject Trump’s threat to affordable medicines through TPP
Government should reject Trump’s threat to affordable medicines through TPP and other trade deals.
Maine state legislators endorse removing ISDS from NAFTA
The Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission, a legislator-run, bipartisan governmental body, recently sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative calling for ISDS to be removed in its entirety from NAFTA.
Perspectives on Pacific geopolitics
The rise of China in the Indo-Pacific has also challenged the long-standing dominance of US in Asia. Therefore, political uncertainty in the US, rapid economic growth, China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its growing assertiveness, and erosion of ASEAN unity – among others – has compelled India to step up its contribution to a region that is also of vital economic interest to India.
Elliott seeks $670 mil. compensation from gov’t over Samsung C&T merger
Elliott Associates is demanding more than $670 million in compensation from the government for losses and damages it claims to have suffered regarding the merger of Samsung C&T and Cheil Industries in 2015.