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Competitive Liberalization and a US-SACU FTA
This paper evaluates a possible US-SACU (Southern African Customs Union) free trade agreement as part of a US approach to new preferential trade agreements characterized by the term ’competitive liberalization.’
Trade expert says US should sign FTA with Taiwan
The US should sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Taiwan, Greg Mastel, an international trade adviser at the law firm Miller & Chevalier in Washington said in an article published in today’s issue of the Washington-based Weekly Standard.
GCC states ’in talks over FTAs’
TALKS are pushing ahead for individual free trade agreements with the US for all the GCC states, it was declared yesterday.
‘We will discuss FTA with our neighbors’
Bahrain once again defended its free trade agreement with the United States.
The potential impact of US-SACU FTA negotiations on public health in southern Africa
This Working Paper was written by Tenu Avafia, a tralac researcher, and examines the potential impact of the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between SACU and the United States from the perspective of public health.
Rules of origin: US, Thai FTA’s ’most restrictive’
An Australian Productivity Commission report into trade and assistance reviews found conditions attached to the free trade agreements signed with the United States and Thailand would be more restrictive than similar deals.
Prospects for Korea-US free trade agreement
While there have been suggestions that the second GW Bush administration may consider an FTA with Korea, any such agreement would be an uphill battle for several reasons.
Allgeier praises growth of bilateral trade between Uruguay and the U.S.
Deputy United States Trade Representative Peter F. Allgeier states recently signed BIT with Uruguay will raise investor confidence and lower the perceived country risk.
US-Taiwan free trade agreement in pipeline?
In last week’s parliamentary elections, Taiwan’s opposition party won a surprise victory which could spell trouble for a bilateral FTA with the United States.
Gvt procurement: FTA provides lucrative contracts for Australian businesses
Australian businesses are preparing for an assault on the $200 billion US Government procurement market when the US-Australia FTA takes effect in just over a fortnight.
Signing of Qualified Industrial Zones Agreement (QIZ)
On December 14, Israel, Egypt and the United States will sign the agreement leading to the establishment of Qualified Industrial Zones in Cairo, Egypt.
Egypt, Israel sign deal on free trade with US
Egypt and Israel will sign a joint free-trade agreement with the United States in Cairo today
New FTA website to be created
A new website dedicated to the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Bahrain and the US is being created by the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Third round of Thai-US FTA talks postponed until after election
The third round of free trade talks between the United States and Thailand has been postponed until after the latter’s general election in February 2005, local press reported on Monday.
Egypt, Israel, US sign partial free trade deal
The agreement on Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZs) opens the US market to goods produced in Egypt with Israeli inputs, promises jobs for Egyptians while offering Israel a symbolic economic foothold in the largest Arab nation.
Tectonic trends in trade [Christian Science Monitor viewpoint]
Two political tremors in recent days reveal that the global trading system may be creaking and groaning into isolated blocs of countries - without the United States.
Cash-strapped Jordan aims high
After spending years negotiating FTAs with the US, Europe and fellow Arab countries, Jordan is determined to gain a competitive advantage for Jordanian industries in world markets. And Washington appears eager to help them achieve success.
Mazda to start selling cars in Mexico; planned FTA helps
Mazda Motor Corp. has set up a new unit in Mexico to start selling vehicles there, taking advantage of the scheduled implementation of a free trade agreement between Japan and Mexico next year.
S. Korea, US to hold preliminary meeting to explore FTA
South Korea and the United States will hold working level meetings early next year to explore the feasibility of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries
ROC economics minister meets with US official, senator
Visiting Republic of China Minister of Economic Affairs Ho Mei-yueh met with Deputy US Trade Representative Josette Sheeran Shiner Thursday to discuss matters of mutual concern. Ho, who arrived in Washington, D.C. Wednesday to lobbying support for the signing of Taiwan-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA), said her meeting with Shiner marked a good start for Taiwan’s FTA drive.