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North America Free Trade Agreement | US-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Colombia Trade Deal Splits Clintons
The presidential campaign of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday that her husband, the former president, supports a free trade agreement with Colombia that she strenuously opposes.
Concern grows over global trade regulation
Amid the noisy battering the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta) is taking from both Democratic presidential hopefuls, one recent statement from Hillary Clinton was particularly resonant. "We will have a very clear view of how we’re going to review Nafta," the New York senator said. "We’re going to take out the ability of foreign companies to sue us because of what we do to protect our workers."
Will US trade policy again trump public health?
The Bay Area in California has been in an uproar over the proposed light brown apple moth program, which involves aerial spraying of an untested synthetic pheromone-based pesticide, because of quarantines invoked by Mexico and Canada under NAFTA.
NAFTA clause that allows companies to sue governments draws flak
When agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland Co. quietly filed court documents this month to overturn — and increase — a multi-million-dollar trade penalty it won against the Mexican government, the move shone a light on Chapter 11, perhaps the most controversial clause in the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The Colombia trap
There have been a lot of surprising developments in recent days on the Colombia FTA, most recently with Dem leadership seeming to be suggesting that there could be a vote on the Colombia FTA if there is more trade adjustment assistance. (As we’ve argued before, it’s hard to get all worked up for TAA, because it is highly inadequate to the scope of the problem, but that’s for another time.)
“Without corn, there is no country”
International Women’s Day marchers target NAFTA and free trade on the streets of San Cristóbal, Chiapas
What does "NAFTA-gate" mean for social movements?
The current discussion of renegotiation of NAFTA presents a challenge for social movements, many of which prefer abrogation. But one thing it definitely offers is an opportunity to organize.
Agriculture officials have beef with Mexico-Canada trade agreement
Mexico and the US Department of Agriculture are negotiating a trade agreement that would presumably pave the way for the export of US breeding stock. The announcement comes on the heels of a trade agreement last week that includes breeding stock between Mexico and Canada.
Parliamentarians from the three NAFTA countries announce taskforce on NAFTA renegotiation
Following a conference held on March 5th at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which took a critical look at how NAFTA has impacted the North American region, legislators from Canada, the US and Mexico agreed today to launch a Task Force to push for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Jean Charest disturbed by U.S. talk of reopening free-trade deal
Premier Jean Charest is using talk of reopening the North American free-trade deal to help his efforts to get a free-trade accord between Canada and the European Union.
Obama and Clinton: Anti-NAFTA
Two aspiring candidates for the democratic presidential nomination made it clear in the Ohio debate that the US will abandon NAFTA if its environmental and labour standards are not renegotiated.
Emerson hints oil would be back on table if U.S. reopens NAFTA
Trade Minister David Emerson suggested the United States has a sweet deal over access to Canada’s oil under the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying the two Democratic presidential candidates calling for renegotiations may not know just how good the U.S. has it under the deal.
Obama hits Clinton on NAFTA support
Barack Obama accused Democratic presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday of trying to walk away from a long record of support for NAFTA, the free trade agreement that he said has cost 50,000 jobs in Ohio, site of next week’s primary.
Mexican farmers cite surge in corn imports from US
A group mainly representing Mexican family farmers denounced Monday that imports of white corn from the United States increased 384 percent after last month’s NAFTA-mandated end to trade barriers in agriculture.
Corporate globalisation: Standing at the end of the road
Corporate globalization, savagely embodied by NAFTA, is not just a threat to Mexican farmers and rural villagers. The economic, health, and social damage created by industrial agriculture, corporate globalization, and the patenting and gene-splicing of transgenic plants and animals, are inexorably leading to universal "bioserfdom " for farmers, deteriorating health for consumers, a destabilized climate (energy intensive industrial agriculture and long-distance food transportation and processing account, directly or indirectly, for 40% of all climate-disrupting greenhouse gases), tropical deforestation, and a rapid depletion of oil supplies.
Sugar industry drops bid to restrict trade
The US sugar industry announced Friday it was abandoning efforts to insert a provision in the federal farm bill that would renew restrictions on the sugar trade between the United States and Mexico.
Mexicans say: Integrate this!
Despite various and sometimes divergent interests, the Mexican campaign against NAFTA is finding a focus.
Mexican farmers protest NAFTA hardships
Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon is moving to implement a new wave of “neoliberal” policies which are being repudiated by numerous other Latin American countries.
From NAFTA to the SPP: Here comes the Security and Prosperity Partnership, but—what security? whose prosperity?
Designed to shore up the United States’ weakening position as a global hegemon, the SPP’s primary goals are to link economic integration of the three NAFTA countries to US security needs; deepen U.S. access to oil, gas, electricity, and water resources throughout the continent; and to provide a privileged-and institutionalized-role for transnational corporations in continental deregulation. The stakes for labor, the environment, and civil liberties in all three countries couldn’t be higher. Yet because of the SPP’s reliance on executive authority to push the agenda, many of the SPP’s initiatives remain virtually invisible, even to many activists.
Growers, users in NAFTA faceoff
Fourteen years after approval of the North American Free Trade Agreement, a behind-the-scenes struggle is being waged over one of its last provisions — the unrestricted trade of sugar between the United States and Mexico.