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New Zealand

New Zealand should exploit Mexico/US FTA
New Zealand companies should take advantage of Mexico’s free trade agreement with the United States and look at entering the lucrative US market via its neighbour, a visiting trade representative says.
ASEAN pursues free trade deals as global trade talks in limbo
ASEAN is set this week to finalise a free trade agreement with India and hold talks with Australia and New Zealand, signalling the importance of regional pacts amid fading hopes for a global trading regime.
Pacific civil society organisations statement on trade justice
Pacific NGOs, churches and trade unions working on trade justice issues are concerned about the push for free trade agreements in the Pacific and the grave risk that these agreements pose for our people.
Fiji: Trade justice statement released
Pacific NGOs, churches and unions have released a joint statement on trade justice in the Pacific warning of the costs of a free trade deal with Australia and NZ, and urging Pacific leaders to be wary that a new seasonal workers’ scheme could be used as a bargaining chip to enter free trade negotiations.
RP pushes local dairy industry dev’t in ASEAN-ANZ FTA talks
The Philippines is pushing the development of local dairy industry as its counter-offer to the 100 percent tariff cut on the same products asked by Australia and New Zealand under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand free trade agreement.
Australia seeks regional free trade deal
Australia is hopeful of an early conclusion to a regional free trade agreement (FTA) with intensive negotiations underway, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says. The potential deal between Australia, New Zealand and Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was discussed at bilateral talks between Smith and his Indonesian counterpart Hassan Wirajuda in Jakarta on Monday.
US dairy industry set to resist push for NZ FTA
The United States’ dairy sector is looming as a major stumbling block for any New Zealand-USA free trade agreement as American farm lobbyists worry that NZ dairy exports could flood their domestic market.
New Zealand firms urge bilateral trade pacts after WTO failure
New Zealand business organisations urged their government on Wednesday to negotiate more bilateral and regional free trade pacts following the collapse of the World Trade Organisation talks in Geneva.
Do YOU support a free trade agreement with the US?
Many New Zealanders believe that a New Zealand-US free trade agreement would put all of Aotearoa up for sale to US corporations by “removing barriers” to US corporate control and by allowing US corporations to sue the New Zealand government for threatening their profits.
NZ: FTA on agenda for Rice talks
A free trade agreement between New Zealand and the US is expected to be on the agenda when the Prime Minister meets with the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Pacific ministers agree to broaden work on PACER
This may include setting up a regional office to focus on issues of traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights.
China FTA bill passes final reading
Trade Minister Phil Goff says the passing in Parliament today of the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill will bring the FTA into force on 1 October and represents an historic advance in New Zealand’s trading relationships.
New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement Bill
How is it that in a land with such a shameful history of exclusion and institutional racism against the Chinese, the NZ Government is suddenly bending over backwards to become party to a free trade agreement with China?, the Maori Party asks
ASEAN to push for free trade deals: document
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is expected to endorse a continued push for free trade agreements with Australia & New Zealand, the EU and India during talks this weekend, a draft document said Friday.
Asean-Australia-New Zealand FTA near conclusion: Rudd
The ongoing negotiations on the free trade agreement (FTA) between Asean countries and Australia-New Zealand (ANZ) are expected to be concluded in the near term, said Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
Hidden hooks emerge in China FTA
New Zealand’s free-trade agreement with China contains hidden hooks that could seriously damage the country’s tourism, building and manufacturing industries.
Threat to plans for trade pact
Indonesia’s ban on New Zealand beef could threaten plans to sign a lucrative free-trade pact with South-east Asian nations this year, industry officials say.
New Zealand business group warns on Asian free trade pact
A New Zealand business group warned the government Friday against signing a free trade pact with the 10-member Association of South-east Asian Nations (ASEAN) that did not set a timetable for abolishing duties on meat and dairy products.
China deal lacking support
The number of no votes, have outnumbered the yes votes in submissions on the government’s Free Trade Agreement with China.
Indonesia, Australia to speed up ASEAN-ANZ free trade
Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, and Australia pledged Friday to help accelerate a negotiation to secure a free-trade agreement between the Association of Southeast Asian Nation, Australia and New Zealand (AANZ-FTA).