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Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (ASEAN+6)

A less than satisfactory trade agreement
The Japanese government will also be worried about a sluggish economy and there will be no appetite for liberalization measures that impose pain on Japanese businesses.
India, US will conclude trade talks soon, says USISPF chief
Outstanding trade issues between India and the U.S. are moving towards resolution, and the first quarter of 2020 will see both countries conclude ongoing talks.
Rejecting RCEP preserved India’s milk self-sufficiency’
The decision of keeping India out of the Regional Comprehension Economic Partnership (RCEP) has helped crores of farmers and prevented the likely shift shift of India from a self-sufficient milk producer to importer.
Why did India suddenly pull out of the world’s largest trade deal?
China pushed to finalize the RCEP deal as it faces slowing growth in part due to its trade war with the U.S. But at the very last minute, even after the leaders’ photo was taken, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi pulled his country out of the deal.
China, ROK agree to step up RCEP, FTA talks
Moon Jae-in, president of the Republic of Korea (ROK), hailed China’s important role in regional stability, security and development, vowing to deepen cooperation with China in areas such as RCEP and China-ROK-Japan free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations.
RCEP countries must pay heed to India’s concerns
India’s doubts on issues like exports and its economic relations with China are genuine and crucial for growth. Only when these are resolved, should India consider joining the agreement again.
Moon pledges to expand FTA network
President Moon Jae-in pledged to expand South Korea‘s global free trade agreement network to boost its economic growth and fend off protectionism.
Decision to keep away from RCEP, right move on part of India
India, in recent days, is faced with Hamletian dilemma. To join or not to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a free trade association consisting of 16 nations including India.
Japan should think twice on RCEP
Japan may refrain from signing an India-less Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
After RCEP, farmers’ body seeks termination of existing FTAs
After prevailing upon the Centre to drop out of the RCEP treaty, farmers organizations has urged the MPs to prevail upon the Union government to terminate the other existing FTA inimical to the livelihood of farmers in the country.
Japan won’t sign China-backed trade deal if India doesn’t join
Abe seeks to bolster India ties to balance China’s clout.
Wobbling RCEP gives greater leeway for India-USA trade agreement – analysis
India opted out of RCEP and now it is Japan, who follows suit. After a long 7 years intensive negotiation among ASEAN 10 + 6 for the world biggest trade block to reign Asia-Pacific region and a challenge to TPP, RCEP is in tailspin before launching. The reason is China’s over-influence in the block.
RCEP freeze continues, India, Japan make no progress on sticky bilateral issues
India and Japan did not make any tangible progress on some of the sticky issues facing both sides, mainly on a breakthrough in the civil nuclear deal, acquisition of Amphibious aircraft or progress in the bullet train project.
Japan keen to fix India’s RCEP issues
Keen to have India back in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Japan has reached out to New Delhi to help address its concerns including those on trade deficit.
India seeks review of trade agreements with ASEAN, Japan after RCEP withdrawal
Weeks after India decided not to join RCEP, the government on Wednesday said that it had sought a review of its existing trade agreements with the ASEAN and Japan.
China trade deal to boost region
The Philippines’ chief economic manager is still pushing for the massive deal covering Asean and its free-trade partners such as China to sustain fast growth and poverty reduction across the region.
South Korea, ASEAN to strengthen economic, strategic partnership
The South Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s strategic goals to facilitate cooperation between South Korea and ASEAN countries include expanding free trade agreement (FTA) networks such as the RCEP.
RCEP talks want India back
With India appearing to have exited the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), negotiators remain committed to bringing the country back into the fold as an "indispensable" member of the deal
RCEP ’’looks like trade arm’’ of Belt and Road Initiative: Former Australian PM
China’s Belt and Road Initiative seeks to build rail, maritime and road links from Asia to Europe and Africa in a revival of ancient Silk Road trading routes.
RCEP remains distant dream; India’s return to this free trade agreement not imminent
India’s existing free trade agreements (FTAs) with Asean, Japan and South Korea already link duty concession to a 35% value addition, according to analysts.