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The government of South Korea has concluded, or is pursuing negotiations for, a number of bilateral free trade and investment agreements. Korean social movements have been mobilizing in opposition to these ever since the Korea-Chile FTA was proposed. So far, South Korea has signed deals with Chile (2004), EFTA (2004), Singapore (2005), ASEAN (2007) the US (2007, ratified in 2011), Peru (2011) and Turkey (2012). Talks are under way with Canada, China, Mexico, India, the EU and, technically speaking, Japan. Negotiations with Colombia have stalled over Colombia’s demands for access for better terms for its fruit and flower exports than what Korea gives Chile and Peru. Seoul is also looking to open discussions with Mercosur, Malaysia, Mexico and possibly Israel.

last update: May 2012
Photo: Joe Mabel / CC BY-SA 3.0

S. Korea, five central American countries to discuss cooperation
The officials will likely discuss the impact that the trade agreement could have on their economic and business relations.
South Korea to seek investor protection measures in FTA talks with China
South Korea’s trade ministry said Monday it will seek ways to better protect investor rights from arbitrary regulations when holding talks with China to expand the scope of the two countries’ free trade agreement (FTA) to the service and investment sector.
Second round of Korea- US FTA talks
After the grueling negotiations, South Korean Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong said that the two sides engaged in intense discussions and there is still a long way to go. Here is Professor Chung In-gyo from the International Trade Department at Inha University to examine the latest FTA talks between South Korea and the US.
Mongolian PM voices high expectations for economic deal with South Korea
Mongolian Prime Minister Ukhnaa Khurelsukh has expressed strong expectations for a possible economic deal with South Korea, in the latest push to boost bilateral trade and investment. Both the countries, in year 2016 began talks on a bilateral economic partnership agreement, which is similar to a free trade deal and focuses on the industrial and investment sectors.
Auto becomes top priority in KORUS FTA talks
There are no tariffs levied on South Korean auto parts shipped to the US which gives local carmakers to use any component while assembling. Local automakers have expressed concerns that any changes to the rules of origin could compel them to import and use parts they don’t really need and hurt local parts manufacturers.
S. Korea to hold hearing on follow-up FTA talks with China
In December 2017, the trade and industry ministers of South Korea agreed to expedite negotiations to expand the two countries’ two-year-old free trade agreement to include the service and investment sectors.
KORUS FTA negotiations likely to be partial revision rather than complete overhaul
South Korean Trade Minister expects the US to ask for liberalization of the agriculture and livestock sectors.
S. Korea, India to hold talks on trade deal improvement
South Korea and India will hold a new round of talks on the improvement of a bilateral trade deal.
S. Korea, Britain to hold talks over post-Brexit trade deal
Trade officials of South Korea and Britain will meet to discuss ways to forge a new trade deal after London exits from the European Union, Seoul’s trade ministry.
S. Korea, Turkey review implementation of FTA
South Korea and Turkey reviewed the implementation of a bilateral free trade agreement and discussed ways to reduce non-tariff barriers