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Bechtel revokes GLNG workers’ leave ahead of China FTA protest march
A protest march planned by five major trade unions over the China free-trade agreement has set on edge management at United States construction giant Bechtel
GVK ban fallout: India defers FTA talks with EU
India government has deferred talks with the European Union on the proposed free trade agreement, peeved at the ban imposed on around 700 pharma products, which were clinically tested by GVK Biosciences.
Data flows in TTIP
Data flows in TTIP could result in a significant weakening of consumers’ fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data
Q&A: How Southeast Asian economic zone could change region
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations aims to establish an economic community known as the AEC whose ultimate goal is said to allow free trade, investment and movement of workers between the 10 nations that make up the grouping
Pakistan seeking trade agreement with Belarus
In a bid to give a boost to bilateral trade, Pakistani authorities have offered Belarus a preferential trade agreement
International investment agreements and Africa’s structural transformation: a perspective from South Africa
The brief describes the widening debate on the implications of international investment agreements for sustainable development and outlines the broad features of alternative policy approaches to foreign direct investment
The risks of mutual recognition of voluntary industry standards within the context of a future EU - US trade agreement (TTIP) and alternative approaches
Report sets out the risks to the voluntary single standard system that would arise from the mutual recognition of European and US industry standards
Why Europe and the US are locked in a food fight over TTIP
It is not certain whether TTIP will relent and grant European food products even the limited protection they have under CETA
Malaysia-Pakistan trade set to improve this year
Malaysia-Pakistan tradeis expected to improve this year with the revival of Malaysia-Pakistan Closer Economic Partnership Agreement (MPCEPA)
Spain facing compensation bill of billions over renewables cuts
Spain has suffered its first setback in an international arbitration process over its cuts to renewable energy subsidies.
Livestock may struggle after TPP
Vietnam’s livestock sector, on which the livelihoods of nearly 10 million people depend, may be negatively affected the most after the Trans-Pacific Partnership comes into being
Zambia, DRC agree on free trade
Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo have signed a bilateral trade agreement that will see enhanced trade between the two countries
Food exporters may have to rebadge food labels as a result of free trade deals
Food exporters are being warned they could face the costly process of rebadging food labels as a result of free trade deals
Canadian corporations abuse investment treaties, bully governments into environmental backtrack: study
Canadian investors have exploited a controversial mechanism in international investment treaties to challenge public interest regulations in 24 different countries
Forum Economique Arabo-Hongrois : l’Algérie sera au rendez-vous
Le forum économique arabo-hongrois examinera les moyens de dynamiser les échanges dans plusieurs segments d’activités et d’élever le niveau des flux commerciaux
Renzi hopes to push through EU-Japan trade deal this year
The Italian prime minister believes the EU and Japan could finalise a free trade deal by the end of the year
India defers FTA talks with EU over ban of 700 drugs
Objecting to the ban of around 700 pharma products by the European Union, India said that it has called off a scheduled meeting of chief negotiators of the two sides on the proposed free trade agreement
Austria hit with first ICSID claim
The owner of a Vienna bank targeted by multiple fraud investigations has lodged what is thought to be the first-ever investment treaty claim against Austria
RCEP - draft chapter on trade in services (Aug 2015)
As leaked on RCEP Legal
A losing proposition
The failure of Canadian ISDS policy at home and abroad.