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South Korea to ’actively’ consider joining CPTPP this year
South Korea said today it plans to "actively" consider joining a mega Asia-Pacific free trade agreement (FTA) initiated again by the US in an effort to diversify the country’s export portfolio amid growing trade protectionism.
China set to expand free trade network
China will step up efforts to expand its free trade area network with trading partners across the world to enlarge its “circle of friends”, while eliminating more tariffs on goods and broadening market access for services trade and investment, according to commerce minister Wang Wentao.
ASEAN-Hong Kong FTA set for Feb 12
The part in relation to Cambodia under the ASEAN-Hong Kong free trade agreement (FTA) and Investment Agreement (IA) is set to take effect on February 12, according to Hong Kong’s Trade and Industry Department.
Pakistan, Korea agree to hold further talks on trade
Pakistan and the Republic of Korea have agreed to hold further negotiations on the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) for increasing bilateral trade and promote free trade between the two countries.
Artists and academics in Montréal oppose Canada-Israel free trade agreement in stand for Palestinian rights
More than 150 artists and academics and over 20 trade unions, cultural organizations, student groups and indigenous collectives in Montréal are calling on the Canadian government to cancel the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement.
India-EAEU FTA appears in sight, Moscow signals support
A Free Trade Agreement between India and the Eurasian Economic Union appears to be on the cards this year, according to statements made by several Kremlin sources.
Partnership with a purpose: EU-Africa relations in 2021
The African Union sees the ‘partnership’ process, likely to culminate in a summit in Portugal in May or June, as an opportunity to overhaul the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) .
HKSAR gov’t says free trade, investment agreements with ASEAN to come into force in full
The free trade and investment agreements between Hong Kong and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will come into force in full on Feb. 12 when the part related to Cambodia took effect.
Portugal aims to seal EU-Mercosur trade agreement, progress on other deals
Portugal will try to conclude a free-trade agreement between the EU and the South American trade bloc Mercosur during its six-month EU presidency, and attempt to expand Europe’s ties with other potential trade partners.
L’Echo: Italian businessman seizes Albania’s assets in Belgium
Italian businessmen Francesco Becchetti has stepped up his attempt to get the compensation awarded to him in international arbitration against Albania that he won, but that is under appeal.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Intellectual property and trade in the Pacific rim
This book considers the impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership [TPP] on intellectual property and trade.
Singapore and New Zealand to enter digital trade agreement
The Digital Economy Partnership Agreement between New Zealand, Singapore, and Chile will enter into force today.
3rd round of trade talks with S. Korea
Pakistan and South Korea held third round of the Joint Trade Committee meeting. The prospects of a Free Trade Agreement was discussed.
India self-isolates as China’s economic might enfeebles West
Not only has India failed to agree on its own trade and investment deal with the EU, the country has failed to capture any significant share of China-based global supply chains.
UK-EU trade agreement: What’s next for financial services?
The EU and the UK committed in the agreement to establishing a Memorandum of Understanding, by March 2021, for establishing a framework for regulatory cooperation on financial services.
Corporate-led trade deals are coming to Britain – and unions have to be ready
The Tories are trying to shut workers out of Britain’s post-Brexit trade deals, writes Unite’s Tony Burke.
EU-UK FTA: Draft text (Dec 2020)
Sempra v Argentina: award annulled for manifest excess of powers in failure to apply BIT defence of necessity
Sempra v Argentina: award annulled for manifest excess of powers in failure to apply BIT defence of necessity
China-Mauritius FTA goes into effect. But who benefits?
China’s first FTA with an African country provides a stepping stone into the continent through the geopolitical hotspot Indo-Pacific region.
Japan, Mexico agree to expand membership of TPP free trade pact
Britain, China and South Korea have recently shown interest in joining the TPP, while Japanese officials are keeping close tabs on whether Washington will return to the framework.