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News from the movements

Dangerous man, dangerous deals
Why the EU should not strengthen relations with Bolsonaro.
Energy Charter Treaty claim pushes Slovenia to weaken fracking rules
A new example of how this secretive corporate court system is undermining climate and environmental policies of EU member states has been brought to light.
When free trade is not free
If the states of the world take seriously their own rhetorical commitments to climate change mitigation, job creation, and sustainable development, they must reject the free trade paradigm.
The tale of the dead oil pipeline and the zombie trade agreement
The Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline was back in the news last week for a couple of reasons.
Australia deal is a disaster for UK climate policy
The UK has just signed a trade deal with Australia, a country with one of the world’s worst records on tackling climate change.
What might be the impact of the Australia trade deal on British food and farming
Approximately 40% of Australia’s total beef supply is produced in intensive feedlot systems where the animals are kept in close confinement and fed largely on grain rather than pasture.
The future of arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty
This legal briefing explains how the implications of the Komstroy ruling, alongside other recent CJEU decisions, on pending and future intra-EU ISDS claims.
33 groups call for tougher stance on vaccine apartheid in trade negotiations
33 domestic and international groups have written to NZ Prime Minister, calling for NZ to use its bilateral trade negotiations with the United Kingdom and European Union to push for an end to vaccine apartheid.
Trade deals pushing UPOV: an interactive map
Which countries use free trade deals to push corporate control over seeds? Which countries are under attack from these deals?
foodwatch submits complaint to the European Ombudsman against CETA
The complaint addresses the lack of transparency and democratic deficits of the CETA committees’ work.
“Prosperity for a few, poverty for the lot”, WTO and free trade agreements have failed the people!
We need a multilateral trade system where people and their social movements are at equal footing with governments in defining the trade rules between countries.
Greenpeace urges Canada to drop trade deal to save the Amazon
An environmental group is pleading with the Canadian government to reject a controversial trade deal it says would further fuel deforestation in the Amazon in a new letter addressed to Canada’s minister of foreign affairs.
Lessons from the struggle against the FTAA: continental unity to fight free trade
Grassroots movements from the Americas have accumulated experiences and a history of struggles for sovereignty and integration.
The World Bank can’t be trusted to stand up to big fossil fuel companies
Extractive companies are the most frequent users of the investor-state dispute settlement system (ISDS), making up 29 percent of all ICSID claims in fiscal year 2021.
Chilean government’s political manipulation of Chile/European Union FTA negotiations
We call on social organisations to be attentive to what happens with the modernisation of the Association Agreement between Chile and the European Union.
Waitangi Tribunal claimants win on TPPA and data sovereignty
The Tribunal agrees that the CPTPP breaches the Crown’s obligations to Māori under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and failed to protect Māori rights and interests in data and the digital domain.
Digital colonialism
The global battle for control of the digital economy is typically portrayed as one fought by only two titans: US and China, but that does not mean that the EU has been standing still.
How the Mercosur deal’s ethanol boost contradicts EU green promises
While the EU maintains that ethanol has a role to play in Europe’s shift to clean transport, the production of ethanol is damaging the environment and hurting local communities in South America.
Campaign win: Australia cuts ties with Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
In a significant step forward in the campaign against Investor-State Dispute Settlements (ISDS), Australia has announced its withdrawal from its signatory status to the Energy Charter Treaty.
Indonesia’s digital economy commitments in EU and RCEP trade agreements
In recent years, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have started to include rules for the digital economy as a result of pressure from Big Tech. This summary analyses the most important points being negotiated by Indonesia with the European Union and RCEP.