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Pakistan, Turkey sign Framework Agreement for establishing FTA
Pakistan and Turkey signed a Framework Agreement for establishing Free Trade Area (FTA) between the two countries to further boost bilateral trade and investment relations.
U.S. animal product imports rise after FTA
Imports of animal products from the U.S. increased after a bilateral free trade agreement went into effect.
With RCEP commitment, India marks big shift in trade policy
New Delhi’s higher level of commitment on investment, services may become template for bilateral treaties
To change a BIT is not enough
On the need to create sound policy frameworks for investment.
Businesses call for FTA reform as Indian exports continue to fall
Business leaders have called on the Indian government to conduct a thorough review of the country’s trade agreements as experts predict this year’s exports will slump to 2010 levels.
IFA wants Coveney to defend farmers against potential EU/Mercosur trade deal
The IFA is calling on Minister Coveney and Ireland’s MEPs to come out strongly against a potential EU/Mercosur deal and in defence of farmers and the agriculture sector.
EU-US FTA (TTIP) - draft regulatory cooperation chapter (EU proposal, February 2016)
As released by the European Commission
TTIP: Big business and US to have major say in EU trade deals, leak reveals
Document obtained by campaign group shows legislation will be influenced before it reaches European Parliament
EU in Latin America trade push
The EU is in a drive to deepen trade ties with Latin America. It is eager to do business with Cuba, and on the cusp of relaunching negotiations with Mercosur.
Caribbean countries not fully satisfied with EPA accord
Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) countries say they are yet to “meaningfully reap the potential benefits” of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) signed with Europe in 2008.
Next round of RCEP negotiations in April in Australia
The next round of negotiations for the proposed mega trade deal, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), would take place in April in Australia.
Don’t endorse ECOWAS-EU economic partnership agreement , MAN tells FG
The Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) has admonished the federal government to withhold its endorsement of the ECOWAS-EU economic partnership agreement.
TPP will be toothless for environmental protection: study
Far from being a milestone for environmental protection, as claimed by the U.S. and Canadian governments, the TPP will not safeguard or promote effective environmental protection measures.
Protecting the Santurban páramo from Angostura mining project
High-altitude wetlands that provide drinking water to more than two million people could become one of the world’s biggest gold and silver mines.
The era of free trade might be over. That’s a good thing.
In the United States, globalization is widely accepted as a contributor to both wage stagnation and the growth in inequality.
Whose healthy ASEAN Community?
The liberalization of health care under the ASEAN Economic Community is clearly biased toward curative services as being more profitable than health promotion.
The gold-plated CETA: whose gold and at what cost?
Does the agreement reflect 21st century needs and standards?
Navigating governments’ obligations in the context of land investments
A new report from the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment explores the dilemmas posed by land investments under international investment treaties and human rights law.
Organisations condemn Eco Oro Minerals’ warning that it could sue Colombia over efforts to protect water sources
The Canadian company’s Angostura mining project in the high-altitude wetlands, or páramo, of Santurbán, has announced that it could file an international arbitration suit against Colombia over measures to protect the páramo, which are important sources of water in the country.
India, China exchange tariff cut offers under RCEP
Plans to liberalise trade between India and China, the world’s two fastest-growing large economies, have gathered momentum with both sides exchanging offers on removal of a chunk of tariff lines on goods imports.