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EU free trade deal will trap Vietnam in low-wage, low-skill cycle
The EU’s Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam will trap the Asian country in a low-profit-low-wage cycle.
Mauritius ready to help Pakistan access African markets
Since Mauritius is a gateway to African countries therefore it offers huge opportunities to Pakistani businessmen desirous of winning those markets.
What’s the problem with free trade?
Economists say that free trade allows us to take advantage of the "comparative advantages" offered by other countries. Unfortunately, low labor and environmental-protection costs are seen as a comparative advantage.
Investment treaty claims by dual nationals
In recent years, a new type of claim has been emerging in the field of investment treaty arbitration, whereby investors initiate proceedings against their own state before an international arbitration tribunal.
Is ISDS in EU trade agreements legal under EU law?
The legality of investor­­–state dispute settlement (ISDS), including in the form of an Investment Court System (ICS), in EU trade agreements under EU law is a contentious issue among academics and legal experts.
US and EU trade union leaders: TTIP negotiations ’On the wrong course’
AFL-CIO and ETUC stressed that the current negotiations on the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are on the wrong course.
How TPP, TTIP and agriculture are shaping EU Japan trade talks
Two factors stand out in the EU Japan FTA negotiation dynamics: United States free trade agreements and the EU agriculture sector.
Focus on MSG trade agreement before PACER-plus: Sol Islands PM
The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) will have to work on the new and stronger MSG trade agreement (MTA) before the finalisation of the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER) Plus.
Waitangi Tribunal begins urgent TPP inquiry
Māori claimants are lining up to challenge the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the Waitangi Tribunal.
Human rights issues increase uncertainty for Morocco, Vietnam trade deals
EU trade agreements with Morocco and Vietnam could see rough times ahead after criticism of the lack of impact assessment on human rights.
UAE and Ethiopia sign agreement to protect and encourage investment
Addis and Abi Dhabi have signed a comprehensive agreement providing "significant incentives and privileges for foreign investment" from the United Arab Emirates in Ethiopia.
International investment law, development and sovereignty: no harm?
The Oxy II awards subvert the notion of sovereignty: by whom and how a country’s natural resources are used becomes a minor question as long as wealth is maximised.
10 years post “el NO” to the FTAAs, we double our resistance against free trade treaties for a project for the people.
A decade after the popular victory that led to burying the FTAAs in the City of Mar del Plata, a number of organizations and popular movements in Argentina assemble as part of a continental day
Survey: German companies call for changes to free trade agreement
Ohoven: “TTIP must not be allowed to benefit big business only”
Latest round of TTIP talks boost momentum
Progress was made in the latest round of TTIP talks, but negotiators have a long way to go if the deal is to be signed before Barack Obama leaves office.
Open letter to Věra Jourová: from Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield, words in the wind
The "Privacy Shield", an agreement stemming from an exchange of letters, only contains vague promises.
White House’s claims that the TPP would curb Internet censorship are fantasy
Inside the narrower and closed context of trade agreements, “free flow of information” is used exclusively to tackle the commercial consequences of restrictions on data flows.
Thousands march against water privatization in Peru as TPP and ICSID ruling looms
More than 2,000 people marched in Lima, Peru in opposition to the government’s plan to privatize public water services.
France sees the EU-Canada agreement as a ‘template’ for TTIP
Paris would like to “copy-paste” key passages from the EU-Canada free trade agreement, concluded this week, particularly those relating to the arbitration court that is such a controversial issue in Europe.