Huffington Post
Economists say that free trade allows us to take advantage of the "comparative advantages" offered by other countries. Unfortunately, low labor and environmental-protection costs are seen as a comparative advantage.
Lobby Control
As leaked by Lobby Control
Emirates News Agency
Addis and Abi Dhabi have signed a comprehensive agreement providing "significant incentives and privileges for foreign investment" from the United Arab Emirates in Ethiopia.
Alba Movimientos Capítulo Argentina
A decade after the popular victory that led to burying the FTAAs in the City of Mar del Plata, a number of organizations and popular movements in Argentina assemble as part of a continental day
La Quadrature du Net
The "Privacy Shield", an agreement stemming from an exchange of letters, only contains vague promises.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Inside the narrower and closed context of trade agreements, “free flow of information” is used exclusively to tackle the commercial consequences of restrictions on data flows.