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Articles by language

Malaysian trade talks stall on GM labelling
The labelling of genetically modified (GM) goods within Malaysia has come further under the spotlight this week as the industry remains torn between its proposed bio-safety laws and free trade agreements between the US.
Japan, Middle Eastern states seek to end FTA talks by early 2008
Japan and a group of six Middle Eastern oil producers, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, will aim at concluding their negotiations on a free trade agreement by early 2008, Japanese officials said Tuesday.
NZ wants FTA talks with Japan
New Zealand farm minister Jim Anderton expressed hope Tuesday that Japan will start talks to conclude a free trade agreement with the country after completing its recently commenced FTA negotiations with Australia.
The Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the United States should be rejected by the respective Congresses of both nations
Open letter to US Congress, signed by hundreds of Colombia organizations
Questions States must ask about EPAs
There have been myriad commentaries on the ongoing negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. The first thing in these debates is the jargon and how much a regular member of our communities would not understand. It’s about time that those who know anything about trade and economic agreements explained this agreement to the rest in simple ’Wanjiku’ language.
Peru, Colombia and Panama lobby for US free-trade pacts
As crunch time nears, Peru, Colombia and Panama have embarked on a nearly unprecedented lobbying effort to salvage their free-trade agreements with Washington.
EU: Conclusions on the recommendations to open negotiations with countries of ASEAN, India and South Korea
The EU Council, and the Representatives of the Member States meeting within the Council, officially gave the Commission "the green light" to start FTA negotiations with India, Korea and ASEAN.
JPEPA: The Philippine fall into the IPR bilateral trap
The Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement poses serious questionable intellectual property provisions which ultimately undermine the rights of Filipino farmers, communities and the public in general.
Fear of dumping
Rice farmers in northern Peninsular Malaysia have another reason to call on the Government to quit the on-going Free Trade Agreement negotiations with the United States. Besides the concern over highly subsidised US rice competing with locally produced rice, there is fear of the US dumping the Liberty Link 601 (LL601) contaminated rice here.
Moroka off for EPA talks
Botswana’s Ministry of Trade and Industry has announced that the Minister, Neo Moroka, leaves for South Africa today for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) trade talks.
Bush, Peru’s Garcia press for congressional passage of US-Peruvian free trade pact
President George W Bush and his guest from Peru, President Alan Garcia, urged the Congress on Monday to pass the pending US-Peruvian free trade agreement.
Malaysia won’t hasten FTA negotiations with US
Malaysia considers a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US to be "a serious concern" and that is why it does not want to be rushed into wrapping up the negotiations, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz stressed, Tuesday.
Japan, Australia to speed up trade talks
Japan and Australia have agreed to a fast-paced timetable of negotiations on a free trade pact after two days of initial talks.
Free-trade talks with South Korea on fast track: Emerson
Trade Minister David Emerson says he’s speeding ahead with free-trade talks with South Korea despite objections from the auto sector, and expects to sign a deal this year.
US Commerce Secy urges passing of LatAm trade pacts
Failure by the US Congress to approve free trade agreements with Latin American countries will have “huge political consequences” in the region, US Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez warned Monday.
Costa Rican deputies for FTA consultation
Costa Rican deputies who oppose a free trade agreement with the US demanded on Monday a consultation about the project before holding a binding referendum to solve the controversy over the issue.
Chamber president urges government to sign accord between Caribbean countries and EU
Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce President Christopher Lowe is calling on the Government to seriously consider signing on to the CARIFORUM-EPA -EU trade agreement, claiming that failure to do so could result in the loss of jobs for two major industries on Grand Bahama.
Preferential, not free trade deals
All multilateral trade rounds managed under the umbrella of the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT), now the World Trade Organisation (WTO), are in crisis until a deal is done. The headlines are familiar and predictable, no trade round has ever failed or failed to disappoint.
S.K.-Canada FTA talks set to cover similar ground as those with U.S.
During Korea-Canada free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, set to resume in their 10th round on April 23, Canada is reportedly going to bring to the table proposals on sensitive issues, such as its access to the South Korean beef market. The same issue brought controversy to the FTA between South Korea and the U.S., a deal agreed upon on April 2.