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Union vows Labor will pay for trade deal
Labor’s support for the American free trade agreement will cost the party about $100,000 in union donations - a blow on the eve of the federal election campaign.
Software groups warn of FTA dangers
The US-Australia Free Trade Agreement poses a grave threat to the entire Australian software development industry due to the legal framework on intellectual property which is required upon adoption of the pact, the Open Source Industry Association and Linux Australia have warned.
Bahrain: Prepare for FTA, traders warned
Businessmen are being urged to do their homework with regard to Bahrain’s upcoming Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US.
US-Australia FTA: Furniture makers fear they may take a big hit
The US free trade agreement is getting a mixed response from manufacturers, writes Ian Porter. The prospect of Australian manufacturing going toe to toe with the giant American industrial base might sound like an abject mismatch.
Free trade agreement not all good news
Australia’s free-trade agreement with the United States was on a rollercoaster to somewhere all this week and the most seasoned observers hadn’t a clue where the thing would end up.
Singaporean firms eye Mideast markets
Singapore has embarked on a campaign to strengthen economic ties with Middle East economies in a bid to tap the potential of an oil-rich region usually associated with instability.
More FTAs waiting in the wings - India
The finalisation of modalities for implementation of the Indo-Thai free trade agreement (FTA) on Friday sends out clear signals that the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is not averse to the idea.
Indo-US FTA on services mooted; Govt yet to take view
A free trade agreement (FTA) on services between India and the US could be on the cards, a move which can give a big leap to the country’s IT industry.
Indian officials deny groundwork on FTA with US
Commerce Minister Kamal Nath’s interest in entering into a free trade agreement (FTA) in services with the US may not prove to be a smooth affair. According to senior ministry officials, there are serious reservations, both within the US and India, over liberalising the services sector.
EU bilateral trade negotiations: state of play
Overview of Bilateral Negotiations 2004 involving Trade Agreements: State of Play 27 July
EU deal in ’Made in Israel’ row
Agreement has been reached in a wrangle between the European Commission and Israel over goods made in Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza.
EU, Syria compromise on strength of WMD clause
The European Union has "somewhat diluted" a clause calling on Syria to revoke its alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program which has been blocking the signing of a joint political and economic pact, a European diplomat said Tuesday.
Jamaica: Sugar protest
Trade unions which represent sugar industry employees plan to stage peaceful demonstrations outside the European Union delegation offices this week to help press Jamaica’s case for more time to adjust to Europe’s planned sharp reduction in the price it pays Caribbean countries for sugar.
Zimbabwe joins new trade bloc
Zimbabwe has decided to negotiate its Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union under a new trading bloc known as the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) group.
BITs: "arms of massive destruction" against national and international public law and human rights law
Written statement submitted by Europe Centre - Third World, non-governmental organization with general consultative status and the American Association of Jurists, nongovernmental organization with special consultative status.
CAFTA: Recolonizing Central America
Managua, Nicaragua — "Prices are so low we have to grow more and more just to meet ends." That’s how a leader of a new Nicaraguan campesino organization, FEDICAMP, describes the current situation for small farmers here.
Letter urging IP be excluded from US-SACU trade negotiations
Re: Excluding Intellectual Property from negotiations over a U.S.- Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Free Trade Agreement
Thailand: Opposition to bilateral trade agreement grows strong
Trade and consumers’ right activists who were at the forefront campaigning on FTA, called on the government to reveal all the terms and conditions of Tafta, voicing their grave concern that the local farm sector appear to be the losers while the winners are a handful of Thai big businessmen.
US free trade initiatives & their implications for the multilateral trading system
The rationale for regional integration between two or more countries would suggest that such agreements would need to be based on substantial trading interests.
Bilateral investment agreements: Agents of new global standards for the protection of IPRs?
Developing countries have entered into a large number of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) as well as free trade agreements (FTAs) that include explicit obligations for the protection of intellectual property rights as "investments".