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News from the movements

It’s time to transform. It’s time to globalize solidarity, localize agriculture!
Time has come for us to take back control of our food systems and promote local production of our food systems.
Mining companies dominate ISDS treaty-shopping claims from Australian companies
Australia, with its many Bilateral Investment Treaties and FTAs, contributes to a system of treaty shopping by mining companies looking to sue governments over unfavourable decisions.
Mining injustice through international arbitration
El Tambor is a controversial gold mining project in Guatemala. After years of local protests and litigation, it was halted in 2016 for lack of prior consultation with Indigenous people.
Trade Secrets
The truth about the US trade deal and how we can stop it.
Juggling crisis
Latin America’s battle with COVID-19 hampered by investment arbitration cases.
How ‘digital trade’ rules would impede taxation of the digitalised economy in the Global South
The new digital trade regime, which has already been adopted in some free trade agreements and is being proposed in the WTO, would exacerbate the harmful tax practices of multinational enterprises within a deeply integrated digitalised economy.
Video: India-US free trade agreement and its impact on small-scale food producers in India
In the following videos, the possible impacts of this proposed agreement on India’s small-scale food producers are discussed.
A Canadian mining company is threatening to sue Mexico to avoid paying taxes... and is asking Canada to help them do it
Already, Mexico’s progressive reforms have made it an ISDS target. First Majestic, a Canadian silver mining company has been threatening Mexico for the last few years, under NAFTA’s Chapter 11.
What do FTAs mean for African women? A critical look into the African Continental Free Trade Area
What does this trade deal mean for African women and their role in the continent’s food production and trade?
No more EFTA power play against the South!
Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are undermining farmers’ rights to seeds in the countries of the global South
Opposition to the proposed US-Kenya free trade agreement
Kenya should abandon or, at the very least, postpone the United States-Kenya Free Trade Agreement negotiations to a later date, civil society groups say in letter to the AfCFTA Secretariat.
Countries serious about climate change should leave the Energy Charter Treaty, says former ECT official
Interview with Yamina Saheb, former head of unit in the Energy Charter Treaty Secretariat .
Time to rethink – Stop the EU-Mercosur agreement!
265 civil society organisations call on the Federal Governments and the EU Commission and EU-Parliament to reject this agreement!
Planned EU trade deal with Mercosur threatens climate, environmental protection and human rights
The agreement could have serious ecological and human rights repercussions, new study warns.
What is Dubrovnik today?
A golf course, free-trade agreements, and the fight for the soul of a city
To get out of the crisis exacerbated by Covid-19: more than a hundred organizations and networks in the Arab region are launching a campaign for debt cancellation and getting rid of "free trade" agreements.
To get out of the crisis exacerbated by Covid-19: more than a hundred organizations and networks in the Arab region are launching a campaign for debt cancellation and getting rid of "free trade" agreements.
Open letter to governments on ISDS and COVID-19
We urge you to take immediate action to ensure that the duty of governments to regulate in the public interest is safeguarded and put beyond the scope of ISDS claims.
RCEP will undermine fight against COVID19 pandemic
The 15 governments must consider the adverse impact of the mega FTA and put an end to trade agreements such as RCEP as they only increase protection and power of multinational corporations.
EU failed to consider environmental and social impacts of South American trade deal: complaint
The European Commission has ignored its legal obligation to ensure the trade agreement with the ‘Mercosur’ group of South American countries will not lead to social, economic, environmental degradation and human rights violations.
Call to action! Stop EFTA countries to undermine farmers’ rights to seed in free trade agreements
Sign-on the letter for organisations.