Public Citizen
USMCA provisions are straight out of Big Tech’s digital trade wishlist, which seeks to pre-empt the ability of governments to introduce regulations that could affect their bottom lines or hold them accountable.
Attac France & bilaterals.org
Donald Trump’s return to power and his fresh round of tariffs have sent further shockwaves through the neoliberal order that has shaped global trade since the 1990s. So does this mark the death of free trade?
América Latina Mejor sin TLC
The Platform, together with Latindadd, held a virtual meeting aimed at providing elements for analysing the new global economic situation brought about by the return to power of US President Donald Trump.
Public Citizen
Investor-State Dispute Settlement has become a significant concern for African nations, as it often privileges multinational corporations at the expense of local governance and public welfare.
Global Justice Now
Campaigners warn potential return of US trade deal talks would take a ‘wrecking ball’ to standards and public services.
La Via Campesina
Women continue to march, denouncing violence and environmental crimes, fighting against the plundering of common goods, and against the signing and ratification of agreements that continue to fill the galleys of the Global North with our wealth at the expense of the massacre of peoples.
ETUN Palestine
In a letter sent ahead of the European Union-Israel Association Council meeting, our network alongside 120 trade unions, civil society and human rights organisations called on the EU to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
European Trade Justice Coalition
Over 120 civil society organizations and trade unions from Indonesia and Europe today call on the Indonesian government and the EU to stop the negotiations for the Indonesia-EU free trade agreement – the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). The organizations warn that this agreement threatens the environment, climate, and the rights of women, Indigenous Peoples, workers, small farmers and fisherfolk.
European Trade Justice Coalition
CSOs in Europe and Indonesia are urging the EU and Indonesia to stop CEPA negotiations. The agreement threatens the environment, climate, and the rights of vulnerable groups, while hindering Indonesia’s ability to develop its own raw materials value chain. The groups also raise concerns about privatization of energy, investor protections, and the inclusion of elements from Indonesia’s "Omnibus Law," which weakens labor protections.
Access to Medicines
While the Thailand - EFTA agreemnts avoids TRIPS-plus measures that would directly impact medicine access and the universal healthcare system, Thai CSOs group remain concerns regarding border measures and intellectual property enforcement.
Focus on the Global South
The second round of negotiations for a comprehensive and ambitious free trade agreement between the European Union and the Philippines will commence today in Manila amidst an unfolding trade war among the major trade powers triggered by Trump’s tariffs.
Western Sahara Resource Watch
The French Court’s confirmation comes a week after representatives of the Spanish agricultural sector called on the EU to end tomato imports from Western Sahara.
European Coordination Via Campesina
ECVC condemns the decision of the leaders of the European Commission and Mexico to conclude the EU-Mexico trade agreement negotiations, just one and a half months after the EU-Mercosur deal negotiations were finalised.