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actions | resistance

Liberals should consistently fight trade deals that let corporations sue Canada
Investor-state dispute settlement was tempered in the USMCA, but the government needs to justify why it persists asking for it in other agreements.
Challenging the far right’s nationalist opposition to free trade deals
Extreme right-wing, anti-immigration and Islamophobic parties tend to oppose so-called "free trade" agreements.
BIT Indonesia-Singapore: "Indonesia Sovereignty is Threatened by the Foreign Investor Lawsuit"
Indonesian Civil Society, urge the Government not to ratify the recently signed Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with Singapore said it will threatens the state’s sovereignty. Besides signing the BIT, Indonesia-Singapore also signed MoU on Investment Cooperation for sectors such as Industry 4.0, tourism, financial technology, and education.
AMWU Statement on the Trans Pacific Partnership
As part of the Change the Rules campaign, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) and the broader union movement have raised significant concerns with Labor and the Government about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
Lessons for the Left from NAFTA Mark-II
The choice is not between the unilateralism of a populist autocrat, captive of the world’s most powerful corporations, on one hand, and the failed neoliberal model, polished in the TPPA on the other. A few clip-on statements on gender and small and medium enterprises is not a progressive alternative.
’New NAFTA’ falls flat for farmers, food advocates
The reworked agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada neglects the demands of farm groups.
What an alternative & progressive trade strategy should look like
19 – 20 October 2018. Fale Pasifika, University Of Auckland.
Indian farmers reject RCEP trade agreement, plan major national level agitations
Two major farmers protests are planned in New Delhi on 2 October and 30 November and RCEP will be high on the agenda.
Ecuador: Chevron’s victims vow to fight Hague court ruling
Victims of Chevron-Texaco’s pollution of the Ecuadorean Amazon have vowed to fight to protect the ruling which has granted them compensation.
ISDS reforms shove human rights under corporate red carpet
“We call on our governments to either address the real reasons why ISDS is fundamentally flawed or to abandon its ‘reform’ agenda that is designed to reinforce and re-legitimise a self-serving investment dispute system.”
Letter of solidarity with the victims of Chevron
The signatories of this letter wish to express their rejection of this decision and their support for the people of Ecuador and the organizations that have defended the communities affected by Chevron Texaco.
Global day of action against WTO and free trade agreements – Call to mobilise!
WTO and a host of multi-lateral and bilateral Free Trade Agreements have created criminal levels of inequality.
Thai women’s group oppose Thailand joining CP-TPP
It is alarming to note that all the ‘impact assessments’ of CP-TPP have been conducted by large corporations, and it makes quite clear that for Thailand to join CP-TPP, only big businesses and corporations will benefit from this trade agreement.
Trial of anti-TTIP protester opens on Wednesday in Brussels
About 20 organisations have signed a declaration of support for the activist and called on supporters to assemble outside the Brussels Law Courts before the hearing.
United for a strong movement against JEFTA
Let’s build a movement against the EU-Japan trade agrement together.
Tell federal MPs and Senators: vote NO to TPP-11
The TPP-11 implementing legislation is now being reviewed by a Joint Parliamentary Committee on which the government has a majority.
Select committee urged to stop the spread of ISDS under CPTPP
A range of labour, health and environmental organisations are calling for a clause to be inserted into the CPTPP Amendment Bill that would prevent future governments from extending investor-state dispute settlement to countries seeking to join the agreement.
Mexico’s historic election: A labor perspective
The recent election in Mexico is a referendum on the global reaction to the neoliberal assaults accompanying trade deals like NAFTA and TPP. Listen to this webinar with Manuel Perez-Rocha and Héctor de la Cueva
NAFTA deal by August?
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer is said to believe a deal is possible before the end of August.
Dar faces legal suit at international tribunals over tax, investment policies
Civil society organisations are pushing for a review of the BIT between Tanzania and The Netherlands which they say does not serve the best interests of Tanzania.