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More tumult at the TPP: Secret negotiations against internet freedom continue in Chile; Big Pharma allies attempt to shut down critics’ event (again)
Talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which the US is negotiating with Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam are continuing this week (April 9-13) in Santiago, Chile in the form of an “intersessional meeting” on intellectual property – focusing on internet policy.
Occupy for "fair trade, not free trade"
Talk of a major international protest at the Dallas negotiations on May 8-18th for the Trans-Pacific Partnership dominated the discussion at the Occupy Dallas Six-Month Anniversary Celebration at Pioneer Park downtown on Apr. 7th.
Unbalanced free trade deals costing us jobs
Rebuilding a strong, vibrant and innovative manufacturing sector in Canada by signing more free trade agreements is like saying our society can be healthier if only we ate more chocolate. It’s backwards logic.
John Kinsman: Why we should oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership
US dairy farmers fear they will go bankrupt as cheap foreign powder imports like milk protein concentrate flood the domestic market under the TPP.
Occupy, social justice groups blockade entrance to Monsanto
"We are calling for a ’global class-action’ against Monsanto," said Steven Payan, one of the Davis protest organizers. "We are joining the world in solidarity to demand a ban on all GMO foods and hold Monsanto accountable for its actions throughout history from Agent Orange to Deforestation to current and past deaths to preying on small farmers through a broken court system and also through International Free Trade Agreements."
Secret trade deal threatens democracy
A “free trade agreement” being negotiated by Australia, the United States and other countries could have profound impacts on crucial public policy issues including food security, natural resource management, access to essential medicines, public assets and more.
Trans-Pacific Trade Pact Reveals U.S.’s Unbridled Corporate Agenda
The 11th round of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) talks concluded in Melbourne Friday, with member states suggesting the negotiations had made significant progress but civil society groups reiterating concerns that the United States’ corporate demands could undermine social, economic and environmental policies. "We do know that global corporations are pushing hard for the inclusion of provisions that benefit companies, but not necessarily workers and communities," Gerardine Kearney, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), told IPS.
International civil society groups slam corporate influence on Trans-Pacific free trade talks
The 11th round of Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement negotiations between Australia, the US, New Zealand, Malaysia and four other countries starts in Melbourne on March 1. Civil society groups from those countries are in Melbourne to contest corporate influence and debate the issues.
NGOs warn against corporate influence on trade talks
The 11th round of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP begins in Melbourne, on Thursday. Civil society groups are warning against allowing corporate influence, to drive the talks with outcomes that may disadvantage the poor and vulnerable in those nations. Interview with Patricia Ranald of AFTINET.
Farmers’ fight of China FTA could be biggest yet
When Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade attempted to hold a first public hearing last Friday to listen to concerns about an FTA with China, farmers shut it down.
Pig farmers plan protest against US beef on March 8
Some 20,000 pig farmers will take to the streets of Taipei on March 8 to protest against any move to lift the bans on imports of US beef that contain residues of feed additive ractopamine
Trade unions discuss EU India FTA
International Metalworkers Federation South Asia Office organized a workshop on EU India Free Trade Agreement on February 14 and 15 in New Delhi. Representatives of Indian national trade union centres and Indian affiliates of IMF, BWI, ITGLWF, UNI, ICEM exchanged views on trade policies and implications for development and employment with IMF affiliates from France, Italy, Canada, Argentina and Japan.
No Trade with Apartheid! Against the expansion of the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement
Last fall, the Conservative government announced plans to expand the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA), a set of policies that serves to further legitimize Israeli occupation and apartheid, and deepen Canadian corporate and state involvement in Israeli racism and colonialism.
Contre l’expansion de l’accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël (Hiver 2012)
L’automne dernier, le gouvernement conservateur a annoncé qu’il planifiait l’expansion de l’Accord de libre-échange Canada-Israël (ALÉCI), un ensemble de procédures qui servent à légitimer davantage l’occupation et l’apartheid israélien, et renforce la participation de certaines compagnies ainsi que du gouvernement canadien a la politique de racisme et de colonialisme prôné par Israël.
Farmers, people living with HIV and small traders protest against the EU
Indian farmers joined people with HIV and small traders to protest against the EU-India Free Trade agreement, which will impact all three sectors by ending livelihoods and cutting access to cheap medicines.
Global civil society rises up over FTAs
Civil society groups around the world have upped the ante in the global struggle to protect and promote access to medicine and focused their attention on the European Union-India free trade agreement (FTA) currently being negotiated between the two governments.
MTUC concerns over FTAs deepen
The president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Khalid Atan has expressed his belief that the time has come for the 800,000-strong workers’ movement to mobilise against the free trade agreements that the government is negotiating.
Group vows to protest if ban on ractopamine lifted
An association of hog growers threatened Friday to mobilize its members in protest outside the Presidential Office if the government buckles under pressure and allows the entry of US beef imports containing a banned leanness-enhancing drug.
ACTA opponents welcome Germany’s decision
Opponents of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) welcomed the official decision by the German government today to wait for action from the European Parliament before signing the treaty, calling it a sign that the debate over the balance between copyright protection and Internet freedom has become more explicitly political.
“Don’t trade away our lives”
“Whether we get to live or die should not be up to trade negotiators. We’re all here today with one clear message to India and the EU: ‘Don’t trade away our lives’,” said Mundrika Gahlot of the Delhi Network of Positive People.